Friends ,
I am working with windows application with C#.As i am new to crystal reports am having a doubt.
Iam displaying the report fom dataset by passing two parametes.
After passing these two parametes i am binding the data into a dataset. The code is given below
Dataset ds1=new Dataset();
rptwithItemDetails cr = new .rptwithItemDetails();
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
So when the report loads it will load from the dataset.
My requirement is that i have to set some report heading in every report(4 fields).
So i am fetching that details from my database table and loaded into another dataset say 'ds2'.
How to pass that values in the dataset as paremeters for setting report heading.
Or can i choose any other option? (Note that the report heading have four fields which is fetching from database table)
Please help me .
Thanks a lot in advance.