Hey there.
So i started using crystal reports, and it works great. Ive just hit a wall..

So there are branches with students in those branches.

Now what i want to accomplish, is i want the user to be able to choose what branches to show in the report. I have NOO idea how to do that. I can only show ALL the branches, Not being able to let the user choose which branches to show in the report.

Is it even possible to do? Is it Normal to want to do that?

=) Thank you!

Have a great day. =)

confused... please explain your question..

Anyway you can get help and many related articles on Crystal report on this link

group by branch
Create a parameter for branch and then do a record select on that paramater.

kwl, thank you for the link. I checked though it and found a few things that i thought might help, but i dont quite understand what they mean. like this post

Oky so this is what i want to do.
I will have a list box. In that list box there are Branches. "Mexico" "Calcutta" "Cape" etc. So you can select one of those branches then click on the button "Generate" which will then generate a report on all the details (like amount of people in that branch, etc.) on the 'SELECTED' field.
Because at the moment i can only use the wizard and i cant manually change that report then inside the program by the user.

what you don't understand in this article? Make a new window form application make tables in database (sample script is given in the article run it on sql server), add crystal report, bind it with database whole code is written in the under-discussion article

what you don't understand in this article? Make a new window form application make tables in database (sample script is given in the article run it on sql server), add crystal report, bind it with database whole code is written in the under-discussion article

I know it sounds easy when you say it like that, but for some one who is creating a crystal report for the first time, it just isnt that easy. and by the looks of it 'half of everyone on the internet too.' (from all the forms i visited)

I Can make a new windows form
I Can create tables in MySql
I Can connect it with visual studio
I Can create a simple report (connected to the database, displaying everything)

I CanNOT make the user select what he/she wants to display on the report. (like do a select statement on the report) thus do what that website is saying as i dont Understand what they mean, Create a report. oky create a report,
"Step 5 : Create Crystalreport "EmployeeReport.rpt" and Bind with Storedprocedure "usp_EMPLOYEE"."
Create a new report? a blank one? use the wizard? And if i created it without the wizard, how do you get it to work?

I know it might sound like i have no idea how this works. But you see, i DOnt have a clue how it works. The word I SUCK at crystal reports at the moment is an understatement.

So please.. if you could help 'n noob, i would really appreciate it.


(websites i have visited without any success) (only some of them)

Crystal reports - How to chose what to display? - C#
2:29 PM
DaniWeb IT Discussion Community - Search Results
2:29 PM
Mr.BunyRabit (Ruan du Preez)
2:25 PM
DaniWeb IT Discussion Community - Reply to Topic
2:22 PM
YouTube - visual studio c# Crystal Reports select display
2:20 PM
visual studio c# crystal reports select what data to show on report - Google Search
2:20 PM
Creating a Report with a Selection Formula
2:20 PM
visual studio c# crystal reports select what data to show on report - Google Search
2:18 PM
Connecting to ADO.NET DataSets
2:18 PM
Creating a DataSet Schema
2:17 PM
Creating a Report that Connects to the DataSet Schema
2:15 PM
Writing a Helper Class to Populate the DataSet
2:09 PM
Configuring a Connection to the Sample Database in the Server Explorer
2:09 PM
2:08 PM
binding fields in crystal report - C# / C Sharp answers
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How to create a crystal report using MySql (Visual C#)
2:08 PM
MySQL :: Crystal Reports and MySQL Connector/ODBC Problems
2:08 PM
crystal report bind with mysql visual studio - Google Search
2:08 PM
Binding Crystal Report with Untyped Dataset Visual Studio .NET
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crystal report bind with database visual studio - Google Search
2:08 PM
rystal report bind with database visual studio - Google Search
2:07 PM
rystal report, bind it with database - Google Search

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