Private Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click
If txtuser.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please Enter a Username or Password, DOnt leave it blank", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Access Error")
ElseIf txtPass.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please Enter a Username or Password, DOnt leave it blank", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Access Error")
End If

Dim ConStr As String = "server=localhost;database=library;uid=root;password=localhost;"
Dim conn As MySqlConnection
conn = New MySqlConnection(ConStr)
Dim qry As String = "select * from accesscode "
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim dat As MySqlDataAdapter
dat = New MySqlDataAdapter(qry, conn)
dat.Fill(ds, "accesscode")

' Open connection

If ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(0).Item("username") = txtuser.Text And _
ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(0).Item("password").ToString = txtPass.Text Then



MsgBox("Access Denied", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Security error")
End If
txtPass.PasswordChar = "*"
End Sub

this code is running but it only reads the first column in my database...the other stored account,if i entered will be"Access Denied ..."

i hope someone can help me to solved this problem ..

thanks in advance for you help..

this code is running but it only reads the first column in my database.

Do you mean first row?

You reference the second row:

If ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(1).Item("username") = txtuser.Text And _
ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(1).Item("password").ToString = txtPass.Text Then

and I think you're trying to lookup a matching username/password pair so you'll need a loop:

Dim RowIX As Integer
RowIX = 0
Do Until <ds.Tables("accesscode") has no more rows>
  If ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(RowIX).Item("username") = txtuser.Text And _
  ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(RowIX).Item("password").ToString = txtPass.Text Then
  < your code in here >
  ' Increase row index counter
  RowIX += 1

That's a bit pseudo code, I was too lazy to check the exact syntax, but I believe you got the idea.


create a new class for SQLconnection

'Call this to execute a SELECT statement 
Public Function Execute_SP_DataReader(ByVal sp_name As String, _
             ByVal param As SqlParameter()) As SqlDataReader

    Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sp_name, c)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

    'parse and add the parameters
    For Each p As SqlParameter In param
    Return cmd.ExecuteReader()

End Function

Then Call using this in your prog:

      Dim drResult As SqlDataReader
      Dim param() As SqlParameter = {New SqlParameter("@employeeName", employeeName)                     ,_ New SqlParameter("@Password", Password)}

       drResult = Conn.Execute_SP_DataReader("[sp_CheckLogIn]", param)
           'display all associated info here

           dim x as string
           dim y as string


      x = drResult("username")
      y = drResult("password")

      if (x.Equals(txtuser.text) and y.Equals(txtPass.text)) then
      MsgBox("Your Connected")


Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("User does not exist in the Database!")
End Try

        'garbage collection

Note: Create first a Stored Procedure in SQLserver in this example i named it sp_CheckLogIn..


Do you mean first row?

You reference the second row:

If ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(1).Item("username") = txtuser.Text And _
ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(1).Item("password").ToString = txtPass.Text Then

and I think you're trying to lookup a matching username/password pair so you'll need a loop:

Dim RowIX As Integer
RowIX = 0
Do Until <ds.Tables("accesscode") has no more rows>
  If ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(RowIX).Item("username") = txtuser.Text And _
  ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(RowIX).Item("password").ToString = txtPass.Text Then
  < your code in here >
  ' Increase row index counter
  RowIX += 1

That's a bit pseudo code, I was too lazy to check the exact syntax, but I believe you got the idea.


yah right thats row.. sorry my bad ...

but tnx for your response sir...

thanks for the hepl sir...^^,

Hi! Nice to hear that you got answer to your problem. Could you please mark the thread as solved. Thank you!

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