OK here is my program so far and I'm getting a compile error on my constructor located in class Inventory on line 50
// Inventory Program Part 2
import java.util.Scanner;
//Inventory program
//This program monitors DVD inventory, price, and stock
public class Inventory
{//new class inventory
public static void main (String args[])
{//begin main method
System.out.print("Welcome to the DVD inventory program");//welcome
System.out.println();//blank line
System.out.println("This program monitors DVD inventory, price, and stock.");//program purpose
System.out.println();//blank line
//declare variables
String DvdTitle;
double ItemNumber = 0.00;
double DvdPrice = 0.00;
int NumberInStock = 0;
int count;//counter control variable
double restockFee = 0.00;
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
System.out.println("How many DVDs would you like to enter?");//prompt for length of array
count = input.nextInt();//accept user input
String getRidOfThisNewline = input.nextLine();//gets rid of the newline created by pressing <enter>
//declare arrays
DVD[] myDVD = new DVD[count];
for (int i = 0; i<count; i++)
{//We want to 'count' number of new DVD's.
System.out.println();//blank line
System.out.println("Enter title of DVD. ");//prompt for title
DvdTitle = input.nextLine();//accept user input
System.out.println();//blank line
System.out.println("Please enter item Number.");//request item number
ItemNumber = input.nextDouble();//user input item number as double
System.out.println();//blank line
System.out.println("Please enter price of DVD.");//request price
DvdPrice = input.nextDouble();//accept user input
DVD newDVD = new DVD(DvdTitle, ItemNumber, DvdPrice, NumberInStock);
//Put the dvd you just created into the array of DVDs.
myDVD[count] = newDVD;
}//end for
double DvdValue = (DvdPrice*NumberInStock);
//double totalInventory = computeValue();
for (int i = 0; i<count; i++)
{//print information from array
System.out.println("DVD Title:" + DvdTitle);
System.out.println("Item Number:" + ItemNumber);
System.out.println("Price:" + DvdPrice);
System.out.println("Number in Stock:" + NumberInStock);
System.out.println("Stock Value:" + DvdValue);
System.out.println();//blank line
}//end for
//System.out.println("Total Inventory:" +totalInventory);
}//end main method
//private static double computeValue()
//double DvdValue = 0.00;
//for (int i = 0; i<DVDArray.length; i++)
// DvdValue += ;
//return StockValue;
//}//end method
}//end inventory class
here is my subclass of DVD
public class DVD
//declare variables
String DvdTitle = "";
double ItemNumber = 0.00;
double DvdPrice = 0.00;
int NumberInStock = 0;
double restockFee = 0.00;
public DVD (String DvdTitle, double ItemNumber, double DvdPrice, int NumberInStock, double RestockFee)
this.DvdTitle = DvdTitle;
this.ItemNumber = ItemNumber;
this.DvdPrice = DvdPrice;
this.NumberInStock = NumberInStock;
this.restockFee = RestockFee;
//get and set methods
public String getDvdTitle()
return DvdTitle;
public void setDvdTitle(String DvdTitle)
this.DvdTitle = DvdTitle;
public double getItemNumber()
return ItemNumber;
public void setItemNumber(double ItemNumber)
this.ItemNumber = ItemNumber;
public double getDvdPrice()
return DvdPrice;
public void setDvdPrice(double DvdPrice)
this.DvdPrice = DvdPrice;
public int getNumberInStock()
return NumberInStock;
public void setNumberInStock(int NumberInStock){
this.NumberInStock = NumberInStock;
public double getRestockFee(){
return (NumberInStock * DvdPrice * .05);
}// End Class DVD