I have just created a script (see it at the end of the message) to watermark images. If you want to, could you check it and suggest ways to improve it? Think of me as a very beginner ...
#Import the required modules
import os, shutil, fnmatch, Image, ImageEnhance
#Ask for pictures folder and move to it
picsFolder = raw_input("Where are your pictures? ")
#Create a Backup directory
os.mkdir ( 'Backup' )
#Copy pictures to a Backup directory
for filename in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(picsFolder),'*.jpg'):
shutil.copy2(filename, "Backup/%s" % filename)
#Ask for desired largest side size in pixels
px = raw_input("Which is the desired largest side size in pixels? ")
px = int(px)
#Image processing
for file in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(picsFolder),'*.jpg'):
print "Resizing image " + file
# Open the image
img = Image.open(file)
#Get actual image size and convert it to float
width, height = img.size
width = float(width)
height = float(height)
#Resize landscape images
if width > height:
resizeFactor = width/int(px*2)
img = img.resize((int(width/resizeFactor),int(height/resizeFactor)))
width, height = img.size
img = img.resize((int(width/2),int(height/2)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
#Resize portrait images
if width<height:
resizeFactor = height/int(px*2)
img = img.resize((int(width/resizeFactor),int(height/resizeFactor)))
width, height = img.size
img = img.resize((int(width/2),int(height/2)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
#Resize square images
if width==height:
img = img.resize((int(px*2),int(px*2)))
width, height = img.size
img = img.resize((int(px),int(px)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
#Save resized image
#Create a Resized directory
os.mkdir ( 'Resized' )
#Copy pictures to a Resized directory
for filename in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(picsFolder),'*.jpg'):
shutil.copy2(filename, "Resized/%s" % filename)
#Add mark
#Create a marked directory
os.mkdir ( 'Watermarked' )
#Ask for mark file
markFile = raw_input("Where is your mark file? ")
#Getting the sizes of the base image and the mark
imgmark = Image.open(markFile)
markWidth, markHeight = imgmark.size
for filename in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(picsFolder),'*.jpg'):
# Open the image
img = Image.open(file)
#Get actual image size and convert it to float
width, height = img.size
baseim = Image.open(file)
logoim = Image.open(markFile) #transparent image
baseim.save(filename, "JPEG")
#Recover EXIF data
os.system("jhead -te Backup/*jpg *.jpg")
for filename in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(picsFolder),'*.jpg'):
shutil.move(filename, "Watermarked/%s" % filename)