I cannot figure out how to get my icon to display, or get the GUI to flip through my array object. i have many errors that i cannot solve. i hope some one can help me. here is my code.
import javax.swing.JFrame;//imports java's JFrame component
//Main Class Inventory
public class Inventory extends JFrame//extends the JFrame component
// The main class declartion with the method that implaments the GUI class of the inventory program
public static void main(String args[])//Declaration of main method. Makes the class Inventory the application class
InventoryInterface Interface = new InventoryInterface();
import javax.swing.JTextField;
// This class has been created for the purpose of contorling the out put of the Digital Camera object.
// This class also performs calculations for the return of the total value of the inventory.
public class Methods extends DigitalCamera
int counter = 0;//stores the counter value, and set it to start at the zero object of the array
int Last;//stores the last as a result from methods perform in teh set method, and is also use to return in the get method. that is the methods that use this variable
DigitalCamera[] myDigitalCamera = new DigitalCamera[counter];//Creates DigitalCamera array object with getArrayNumber for creating new objects
int ArrayNumber;//stores the arrayNumber from the counter value
// Constructor for the Methods class
myDigitalCamera[0] = new DigitalCamera(1001,"A",20,100.89,5.8);//Defines the DigitalCamera object
myDigitalCamera[1] = new DigitalCamera(1002,"B",10,389.78,9.7);//Defines the DigitalCamera object
myDigitalCamera[2] = new DigitalCamera(1003,"C",15,235.58,5.5);//Defines the DigitalCamera object
myDigitalCamera[3] = new DigitalCamera(1004,"D",2,545.91,10.2);//Defines the DigitalCamera object
myDigitalCamera[4] = new DigitalCamera(1005,"E",50,45.21,4.5);//Defines the DigitalCamera object
// Collection of methods that allow GUI navagation through the Digital Camera inventory
public int getNext()
return counter++;
public int getPrivious()
return counter--;
public int getFirst()
return counter = 0;
public int getLast()
return Last;
public int getCounter()
return counter;
// Collection of Methods for setting the inventorys total cost
public void setTotalCost(double C)//Method for calculating the total cost of inventroy
for (counter = 0; counter < getCounter(); counter++)//cycles through the digital camera array
double Q;
double Q1;
Q = myDigitalCamera[getCounter()].getQTY() * myDigitalCamera[getCounter()].getUnitCost();
public double getTotalCost(double C)//Method for calling the total cost of inventroyx
return C;
// Colection of set methods for user input
public void setUPC(int UPC)
UPC = myDigitalCamera[getCounter()].UPC;
public void setDescription(String Name)
Name = myDigitalCamera[getCounter()].Name;
public void setQTY(int QTY)
QTY = myDigitalCamera[getCounter()].QTY;
public void setCost(double Cost)
Cost = myDigitalCamera[getCounter()].Cost;
public void setRes(double ImageResolution)
ImageResolution = myDigitalCamera[getCounter()].ImageResolution;
//Camera class
public class Camera
//Stores data
private int UPC;
private String Name;
private int QTY;
private double UnitCost;
private double TotalItemCost;
//Empty Constrcutor. Does nothing.
//Camera constructor stores camera data, and creates a way to pass the data to another class.
Camera(int PartNumber, String Description, int Quantity, double CostPerUnit)
UPC = PartNumber;//stores UPC of the camera
Name = Description;//stores Description of the camera
QTY = Quantity;//stores the quantity of the camera
UnitCost = CostPerUnit;//stores the unit cost
//Method for setting the total cost of one camera item
public void setCostOfInventory(double TotalItemCost)
TotalItemCost = UnitCost * QTY;//calcualates the total for one camera type
//Method to return the total item cost
public double getCostOfInventory()
return TotalItemCost;//returns the total item cost when the method is called
//Method for returning the UPC number of a camera item
public int getUPC()
return UPC;//returns the UPC number when the method is called
//Method for returning the name of a camera item
public String getName()
return Name;//returns the name of a camera when the method is called
//Mehod for returning the quantity of a camera item
public int getQTY()
return QTY;//retruns the quantity of a camera item when the method is called
//Method for returning the unit cost of a camera item
public double getUnitCost()
return UnitCost;//returns the unit cost of a camera item when the method is called
//DigitalCamera class extends the Camera class and adds resolution
public class DigitalCamera extends Camera
public double ImageResolution;//Variable for storing the resolution of a camera
public int UPC;
public String Name;
public int QTY;
public double Cost;
//Empty Construct. This construct does nothing.
//This is the public Constructor of DigitalCamera. This construct serves the purpose of calling class
//Camera constructor, and adding the resolution element. The purpose of this is so that we can store
//data in the camera class along with the new element decalered here in the digitalCamera class.
public DigitalCamera(int PartNumber, String Description, int Quantity, double CostPerUnit,double Resolution)
super(PartNumber,Description,Quantity,CostPerUnit);//invokes the Camera class's constructor
ImageResolution = Resolution;//stores the resolution data
// Collection of get methods
//method for reuturning the resolution
public double getImageResolution()
return ImageResolution;//returns the resolution of a camera item when the method is called
public int getUPC()
return UPC;
public String getName()
return Name;
public int getQTY()
return QTY;
public double getCost()
return Cost;
// Collection of set methods
public void setUPC(int PartNumber)
UPC = PartNumber;
public void setDescription(String Description)
Name = Description;
public void setQTY(int Quantity)
QTY = Quantity;
public void setCost(double CostPerUnit)
Cost = CostPerUnit;
public void setRes(double Resolution)
ImageResolution = Resolution;