I am attempting to edit this Queue class to only use myBack pointer, i began having errors and now I am lost....
LQueue.cpp is as follows
/*--- LQueue.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------
This file implements LQueue member functions.
#include <new>
using namespace std;
#include "LQueue.h"
//--- Definition of Queue constructor
: myBack(0)
//--- Definition of Queue copy constructor
Queue::Queue(const Queue & original)
if (!original.empty())
// Copy first node
Queue::NodePointer origPtr = original.myBack->next;
myBack = new Queue::Node(origPtr->data);
myBack = myBack -> next;
origPtr = origPtr -> next;
// Set pointer to run through original's linked list
while (origPtr != original.myBack->next)
Queue::NodePointer temp= new Queue::Node(origPtr->data);
temp->next = myBack->next;
myBack->next = temp;
myBack = temp;
origPtr = origPtr->next;
//--- Definition of Queue destructor
// Set pointer to run through the queue
Queue::NodePointer ptr = myBack->next;
while (prev != 0)
ptr = prev->next;
delete prev;
prev = ptr;
//--- Definition of assignment operator
const Queue & Queue::operator=(const Queue & rightHandSide)
/* if (this != &rightHandSide) // check that not q = q
this->~Queue(); // destroy current linked list
if (rightHandSide.empty()) // empty queue
myFront = myBack = 0;
{ // copy rightHandSide's list
// Copy first node
myFront = myBack = new Queue::Node(rightHandSide.front());
// Set pointer to run through rightHandSide's linked list
Queue::NodePointer rhsPtr = rightHandSide.myFront->next;
while (rhsPtr != 0)
myBack->next = new Queue::Node(rhsPtr->data);
myBack = myBack->next;
rhsPtr = rhsPtr->next;
return *this;
//--- Definition of empty()
bool Queue::empty() const
return (myBack == 0);
//--- Definition of enqueue()
void Queue::enqueue(const QueueElement & value)
Queue::NodePointer newptr = new Queue::Node(value);
if (empty())
myBack = newptr;
myBack->next = myBack;
newptr->next = myBack->next;
myBack->next = newptr;
myBack = newptr;
//--- Definition of display()
void Queue::display(ostream & out) const
Queue::NodePointer ptr;
for (ptr = myFront; ptr != 0; ptr = ptr->next)
out << ptr->data << " ";
out << endl;
//--- Definition of front()
QueueElement Queue::front() const
if (!empty())
return (myFront->data);
cerr << "*** Queue is empty "
" -- returning garbage ***\n";
QueueElement * temp = new(QueueElement);
QueueElement garbage = *temp; // "Garbage" value
delete temp;
return garbage;
//--- Definition of dequeue()
void Queue::dequeue()
/* if (!empty())
Queue::NodePointer ptr = myFront;
myFront = myFront->next;
delete ptr;
if (myFront == 0) // queue is now empty
myBack = 0;
cerr << "*** Queue is empty -- can't remove a value ***\n"; **/
driver.cpp as follows
Driver program to test the Queue class.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "LQueue.h"
void print(Queue q)
{ q.display(cout); }
int main()
Queue q1;
cout << "Queue created. Empty? " << boolalpha << q1.empty() << endl;
cout << "How many elements to add to the queue? ";
int numItems;
cin >> numItems;
for (int i = 1; i <= numItems; i++)
cout << "Contents of queue q1 (via print):\n";
print(q1); cout << endl;
Queue q2;
q2 = q1;
cout << "Contents of queue q2 after q2 = q1 (via print):\n";
print(q2); cout << endl;
cout << "Queue q2 empty? " << q2.empty() << endl;
cout << "Front value in q2: " << q2.front() << endl;
while (!q2.empty())
cout << "Remove front -- Queue contents: ";
cout << "Queue q2 empty? " << q2.empty() << endl;
cout << "Front value in q2?" << endl << q2.front() << endl;
cout << "Trying to remove front of q2: " << endl;
LQueue.h as follows:
/*-- LQueue.h -------------------------------------------------------------
This header file defines a Queue data type.
Basic operations:
constructor: Constructs an empty queue
empty: Checks if a queue is empty
enqueue: Modifies a queue by adding a value at the back
front: Accesses the top queue value; leaves queue unchanged
dequeue: Modifies queue by removing the value at the front
display: Displays all the queue elements
Note: Execution terminates if memory isn't available for a queue element.
#include <iostream>
#ifndef LQUEUE
#define LQUEUE
typedef int QueueElement;
class Queue
/***** Function Members *****/
/***** Constructors *****/
Construct a Queue object.
Precondition: None.
Postcondition: An empty Queue object has been constructed.
(myFront and myBack are initialized to null pointers).
Queue(const Queue & original);
Copy Constructor
Precondition: original is the queue to be copied and is received
as a const reference parameter.
Postcondition: A copy of original has been constructed.
/***** Destructor *****/
Class destructor
Precondition: None.
Postcondition: The linked list in the queue has been deallocated.
/***** Assignment *****/
const Queue & operator= (const Queue & rightHandSide);
Assignment Operator
Precondition: rightHandSide is the queue to be assigned and is
received as a const reference parameter.
Postcondition: The current queue becomes a copy of rightHandSide
and a reference to it is returned.
bool empty() const;
Check if queue is empty.
Precondition: None.
Postcondition: Returns true if queue is empty and false otherwise.
void enqueue(const QueueElement & value);
Add a value to a queue.
Precondition: value is to be added to this queue.
Postcondition: value is added at back of queue.
void display(ostream & out) const;
Display values stored in the queue.
Precondition: ostream out is open.
Postcondition: Queue's contents, from front to back, have been
output to out.
QueueElement front() const;
Retrieve value at front of queue (if any).
Precondition: Queue is nonempty.
Postcondition: Value at front of queue is returned, unless the queue
is empty; in that case, an error message is displayed and a
"garbage value" is returned.
void dequeue();
Remove value at front of queue (if any).
Precondition: Queue is nonempty.
Postcondition: Value at front of queue has been removed, unless
queue is empty; in that case, an error message is displayed
and execution allowed to proceed.
/*** Node class ***/
class Node
QueueElement data;
Node * next;
//--- Node constructor
Node(QueueElement value, Node * link = 0)
Precondition: value and link are received
Postcondition: A Node has been constructed with value in its
data part and its next part set to link (default 0).
{ data = value; next = link; }
typedef Node * NodePointer;
/***** Data Members *****/
NodePointer myBack; // pointer to back of queue
}; // end of class declaration