hey my name is duplaix..am new in c++ so i need help!

I have to write the following set of c++ functions

 fromBinaryToDecimal: The function must accept a pointer to a one-dimensional, dynamically allocated, Boolean array together with an integer representing its length as parameters. You may assume that the array represents a positive value. The function’s return value is an unsigned integer.
 fromDecimalToBinary: The function receives an unsigned integer as a parameter and returns a string.
 fromHexToBinary: The function receives a string as a parameter and returns a string. Your function must check to make sure that the incoming string represents a valid hexadecimal value.
 fromBinaryToHex: The function must accept a pointer to a one-dimensional, dynamically allocated, Boolean array together with an integer representing its length as parameters. You may assume that the array represents a positive value. The function’s return value is a string.
 Overloaded versions of the fromBinary* functions which accept a string parameter.
 A main function in a separate cpp file which demonstrates the use of your functions via a menu system.

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To convert from binary to decimal you use the expansion rule.

For example : convert "1010" to its decimal value.

To convert 1010 into a decimal value, we note the position of each bit.

3 2 1 0 //position of each bit
1 0 1 0  //binary number

Now we use the general expansion rule:
To convert from binary to decimal the general rule is: a0 * 2^x + a1* 2^(x-1) ...
ax * 2^0, there "^" represent the power function, and x represent the bits position, and ax is the bits coefficient at its position.

So to convert 1010 to decimal we do:

1*2^3 + 0*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 0*2^0

1*8 + 0*4 + 1*2 + 0*1

8 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 10

Thus the binary number 1010 in decimal base is 10.

Now turn that math into C++ code.

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