I have a program that produces various reports. I need a way to send the reports to MSWorks/MSExcel. At the moment the reports are sent to a locked scrollable text box on-screen. This allows you to copy and paste the information to most word processor programs o.k. Unfortunately as I'm sure some of you already know MSWorks spreadsheet will automatically split a line if there is a comma in it. For example the line "I'm getting fed up with this, so I'm going out" once pasted in will result in the "I'm getting fed up with this" part being in column 1 and the rest in column 2. No good really.
Obviously copying from the text box with the report in does not work for spreadsheets, but is o.k for most wordprocessors. So for the spreadsheet side I'm thinking of sending the report directly to the clipboard using Clipboard.settext and formating the text in such a way that it does not result in a mess. Has anyone got any ideas on this? The only thing I can think of doing at the moment to sort out the problem is to replace the commas with the "/" characted for example. that is far from ideal though.