I am doing the exercises in Stroustrup's book, Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++. The 6th chapter uses a simple calculator to demonstrate Tokens and grammars. I realize that there are other calculator questions in the forum, but I did not find one that dealt directly with mine. An exercise is to add factorial capability to the calculator. That would involve altering the grammar and the tokens.
I added the exclamation point (!) to the token stream so that it would be recognized as a valid token as follows:
Token Token_stream::get()
if (full) { // do we already have a Token ready?
// remove token from buffer
return buffer;
char ch;
cin >> ch; // note that >> skips whitespace (space, newline, tab, etc.)
switch (ch) {
case '=': // for "print"
case 'x': // for "quit"
case '(': case ')': case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': case '{': case '}': case '!':
return Token(ch); // let each character represent itself
case '.':
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
cin.putback(ch); // put digit back into the input stream
double val;
cin >> val; // read a floating-point number
return Token('8',val); // let '8' represent "a number"
error("Bad token");
I then added the exclamation point to the grammar list so that the expression would be recognized, as follows:
double primary()
Token t = ts.get();
switch (t.kind) {
case '(': // handle '(' expression ')'
double d = expression();
t = ts.get();
if (t.kind != ')') error("')' expected");
return d;
case '{': // handle '(' expression ')'
double d = expression();
t = ts.get();
if (t.kind != '}') error("'}' expected");
return d;
case '!': // handle '!' expression
double d = expression();
t = ts.get();
return d;
case '8': // we use '8' to represent a number
return t.value; // return the number's value
error("primary expected");
However, when I try to compute a factorial, I receive the 'Error: Primary expected' message. This means to me that the case of ! is not being recognized so the default (error) is being executed.
Has anyone completed this exercise? Can you show me how to add the factorial case to this calculator? Thanks very much.