There is a small program.

#include <stdio.h>

void f(char **p);

int main()
char *argv[]={"ab", "cd", "ef", "gh"};
void f(char **p)
char *t;
printf("%s\n", t);

Assume the size of int is 4, I was asked to give the running result of the following code segment. In specific, I don't understand how to analyze


The program prints the last element of the array of chars that you give it.


Is what assigns t to the last element of the array of arrays of chars.

I'm not sure if that's exactly what you're asking, but if not, I'd like some more clarification so I could help.


since sizeof(int) = 4, so this line of code boils down to


p should points to that char array, then the "(p+=4)" and "[-1]" got me lost.

The program prints the last element of the array of chars that you give it.


Is what assigns t to the last element of the array of arrays of chars.

I'm not sure if that's exactly what you're asking, but if not, I'd like some more clarification so I could help.

p+=4 causes p, which was originally a pointer to the first element of the array ("ab") to point 4 spots further (past the end of the array) so when it is indexed with -1 it points to the element before directly itself which would be the last element in the original array

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