ftl25 0 Junior Poster in Training

I have a look up table as follows:

// A structure to hold all the commands and function pointers
typedef struct
    char functionName[256];// The function name is used to refer to the function pointer
    int (_stdcall *myfunction)(char *, char *);	// This defines the function pointer

// This lookup table holds all TSL1 commands and their related functions
static const LOOKUP_TABLE lookUpTable[] = 
    {"ReadMemory8", pTSL1_Commands->DIAG_ReadMem8},
    {"ReadMemory16", pTSL1_Commands->DIAG_ReadMem16},
    {"ReadMemory32", pTSL1_Commands->DIAG_ReadMem32},
    {"ReadMemory64", pTSL1_Commands->DIAG_ReadMem64},
    {NULL, NULL} 

I have a variable, sCmdInt[0] which holds a string to be compared to the elements in the lookup table.
Can anyone help with how to loop around the lookup table to find a match for the function? I have tried the following:

int n = sizeof(lookUpTable)/sizeof(*lookUpTable);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if(sCmdInt[0] == lookUpTable->functionName[i])
        (*(lookUpTable[i].myfunction(sCmdInt[0], returnData)));

My function, when called, also takes sCmdInt[0] and returnData as parameters.
Any help appreciated.