programe to randomly generate store and display the age of N studnets (e.g ,18,24,38 etc).the minimum age is 18 and maximum age is 75.N should be equal to 9.
1.How we can intialise all the elements of the array to -1.
2.Randomly generate and store the age of N studnets .
3.sort and display the array in ascending order .
thnks :-)

1. use a loop

2. call srand( (unsigned int)time(0)); to initialize the random number generator, then for each number call rand() to get a random number.

3. google for sort algorithms. The bubble sort is the easiest to code but the slowest. In c++ you can also use the std::sort() method found in <algorithm> header file.

thnks Ancient Dragon :-)
i did this ..wat do u think?

srand( time(0) ); //seed random number generator
int age[3] = { 18 , 40, 65 };
int randomage = rand() % 3; //return a number from [18,75)

now if i want to calculate the avearge of students that right?

Int  Sum = 0;
for( int i = 18; i < 75; i++)
Sum = Sum + array[i];

I found this context about the sort algorthim

void selectionSort ( int arr[], int size ) 
   int indexOfMin; 
   int pass; 
   int j; 

   for ( pass = 0; pass < size - 1; pass++ ) 
           indexOfMin = pass; 

           for ( j = pass + 1; j < size; j++ ) 
               if ( arr[j] < arr[pass] ) 
                   indexOfMin = j; 

           swap ( arr[pass], arr[indexOfMin] ); 

// swap function for integers 
void swap ( int& x, int& y ) 
   int temp; 
   temp = x; 
   x = y; 
   y = temp; 

void sort()
    int size=57;
    int j,temp,i;

    cout<<"Status: sorting done."<<endl

>>int age[3] = { 18 , 40, 65 };
Why are you initializing it with some dummy data? Just initialise the array with all 0s int age[3] = {0}; >>int randomage = rand() % 3; //return a number from [18,75)

That's a number between 0 and 3, not 18 and 75

>>for( int i = 18; i < 75; i++)
The array only has 3 elements. You are trying to use the age range as the index into the array. What you want is this: for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

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