Hello! First of all, excuse me for my bad english!
Im new in C++ (altough i have to implement a mix between c and c++) and im having troubles trying to do a few things...
struct nodo {
Program * prog;
int FB;
nodo * izq;
nodo * der;
typedef nodo* AVLProg;
AVLProg emptyAVLProg() {
return NULL;
AVLProg NodeAVLProg(Programa * prog) {
AVLProg a = new NodeAVLProg;
a->prog = new Programa;
a->prog = prog;
a->FB = 0;
a->izq = emptyAVLProg();
a->der = emptyAVLProg();
return a;
For some reason my program explotes when it gets to "AVLProg a = new NodeAVLProg" in the NodeAVLProg functions, and i dont know why!! Please heeeelp!!! Thanks in advance!! =)