Hi Guys. I am new here. I am trying to run a Poker program that can detect the different hands in poker.
here is my code
class Card:
# A card is an Object with a suit and rank
# attributes.
def __init__(self, rank, suit):
# To create a new Card, we pass in strings
# representing the rank and suit (e.g.,
# "A" and "H" for the ace of hearts).
# We then populate a new Card object
# with the appropriate information.
self.rank = rank
self.suit = suit
def __str__(self):
# This function defines a string used to print
# this object.
return self.rank + self.suit
def getRank(self):
# return my rank
return self.rank
def getSuit(self):
# return my suit
return self.suit
class Deck:
# A Deck is an Object which contains a list of Cards.
def __init__(self):
# Create a new deck of cards.
self.cards = []
for r in ["A", "2","3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"]:
for s in "SHDC":
newCard = Card(r, s)
# The random module contains a number of useful
# functions including one that randomly reorders
# a list.
from random import shuffle
def __str__(self):
# This returns a string representing the Deck. Defining
# this function allows `print deck' to work properly.
s = ""
for c in self.cards:
s = s + c.__str__() + " "
return "[ " + s + "]"
def shuffleDeck(self):
# Return a random permutation of the cards in the
# deck.
from random import shuffle
def nextCard(self):
# Remove and return the first card from the deck.
c = self.cards.pop(0)
return c
def size(self):
# Ask how many cards are left in the deck.
return len(self.cards)
class Hand:
# A Hand is an object that contains a list of 5 cards. We need to
# be able to draw a hand from a deck and evaluate it to see what
# it contains.
# These two arrays are used to compute the right place to index
# into the other arrays created below.
suits = [ "S", "H", "D", "C" ]
ranks = ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"]
#Ranks = {'A' : 1, '2' :2, '3': 3, '4' : 4, '5' : 5, '6' : 6, '7' :7, '8': 8, '9':9,
#'10': 10, 'J' :11, 'Q' : 12, 'K' : 13}
counter= None
rindex= None
def __init__(self, deck):
# A hand is simply the first five cards in the deck, if there are
# five cards available.
if ( deck.size() < 5 ):
print "Not enough cards left!"
self.mycards = []
for i in range(5):
card = deck.nextCard() # returns next card
self.mycards.append(card) # appends it to the hand
def processHand(self):
# These are used to record the information in the hand:
self.myranks = [0] * 13
self.mysuits = [0] * 4
# For each card, extract and record its suit and rank in myranks
# and mysuits arrays.
for c in self.mycards:
r = c.getRank()
rind = Hand.ranks.index(r)
self.myranks[rind] = self.myranks[rind] + 1
s = c.getSuit()
sind = Hand.suits.index(s)
self.mysuits[sind] = self.mysuits[sind] + 1
def __str__(self):
for c in self.mycards:
s= s + c.__str__() + " "
return "[ " + s + " ]"
# You may need some auxiliary functions beyond what is here.
def hasFlush(self):
# checks if any of the suits in mysuits has 5; if so, then there is a flush.
if 5 in self.mysuits:
return True
return False
def hasFourOfAKind(self):
# Checks if any of the cards in myranks list has 4 of the same value; if so, then there are four of a kind.
if 4 in self.myranks:
return True
return False
def hasThreeOfAKind(self):
# checks to see if first card's rank is equal to second card's rank; if not
# then goes through loop of temp in other cards; process repeated with second card check again subsequent cards
# uses iteration to see number of times the ranks match; if match two times, then there is a three of a kind.
if 3 in self.myranks:
return True
return False
def hasPair(self):
# checks to see if two cards match using algorithm described in hasThreeOfAKind(self)
if 2 in self.myranks:
return True
return False
def hasTwoPair(self):
# Loop through the rankList. Then, use temp as pointer
# that points to the next card after rank. Compares pointer's rank to temp's
# rank. iteration keeps track of how many matches in the hand.
iteration= 0
result= False
rankList= self.myranks.tolist()
for pointer in self.rankList:
for temp in self.rankList[rankList.index(pointer)+1 : len(self.rankList)-1]:
if pointer== temp:
iteration= iteration + 1
if iteration == 2:
result = True
return result
def hasStraight(self):
# Does this code work?
# Convert myranks array to a list. loop through the five ranks in cards.
# Temp runs from the rank after cards to the end of cards list. If the value
# in the rank array after the counter is equal to the rank of the next card
# in cards and the previous condition is satisfied
# in all of the ranks, then there is a straight.
animal= 0
for kite in self.myranks:
coyote= self.myranks[trap+1]
if 1 in kite and 1 in coyote:
animal= animal + 1
if 1 in self.myranks[0]:
animal= animal + 1
if animal == 4:
return True
return False
def hasFullHouse(self):
integer= 0
countess= 0
for beans in self.myranks:
if 2 in beans:
integer+= 1
for bill in self.myranks:
if 3 in bill:
countess= countess + 1
if integer== 1 and countess== 1:
return True
return False
def hasRoyalStraight(self):
clock= 0
control= 0
for mod in self.mysuits:
if 4 in mod:
clock= clock + 1
for trap in self.myranks:
time= self.myranks[trap+1]
if 1 in trap and 1 in time:
control= control + 1
if 1 in self.myranks[0]:
control= control + 1
if clock== 1 and control == 4:
return True
return False
def hasStraightFlush(self):
flash= 0
bash= False
cash= False
lash= False
for kitten in self.myranks:
kat= self.myranks[kitten+1]
if 1 in self.myranks[kitten]:
bash= True
if 1 in self.myranks[kat]:
bash= True
if bash== True and cash== True:
flash= flash + 1
if 1 in self.myranks[0]:
flash= flash + 1
if 5 in self.mysuits:
lash= True
if flash == 4 and lash== True:
return True
return False
def evaluateHand(self):
if self.hasStraightFlush():
return "Straight Flush"
elif self.hasFourOfAKind():
return "Four of a kind"
elif self.hasFullHouse():
return "Full House"
elif self.hasFlush():
return "Flush"
elif self.hasStraight():
return "Straight"
elif self.hasThreeOfAKind():
return "Three of a kind"
elif self.hasTwoPair():
return "Two pair"
elif self.hasPair():
return "Pair"
return "Nothing"
when I try to execute the code.
d= Deck()
h= Hand(d)
It gives me this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#10>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Python26\Poker.py", line 237, in evaluateHand
if self.hasStraightFlush():
File "C:\Python26\Poker.py", line 228, in hasStraightFlush
if 1 in self.myranks[kitten] and 1 in self.myranks[kat]:
TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable
I looked under the error in this forum, and thought that perhaps python is trying to concatenate self.myranks[kitten] and 1, so I broke the code into different lines.
But the error still remains.
How should I fix it?