Anyone able to help load a list box using a text file
I load the text file into a single string then split at every new line and put into an array of strings then us the array of strings as the data source for the list box. The problem with this is that when I do that i cannot use the clear command to clear the list box because the data source has been used. also i cannot figure the formatting of splitting the string because it comes out formatted like the text file aka every single line has the new info when i need it to have like every 5th line in the same line of a list box

See my attached help I hope this gives you some idea.

well how the text file is fomratted is like this
id #
first name
last name

i need it to display in the list box as id first last degree grade

Ryan, do you need to add the data from id, first name to grade in one line, then load the next data line, or do you need it one item to the next? in other words ---

id first name last name degree grade


first name
last name


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