Is there any difference between a sorted link list and an ordered link list?
If there is any difference please show it by giving an example.

While people can use terminology however they like, I've never seen "sorted linked list" and "ordered linked list" mean two different things. They've always been interchangeable.

While people can use terminology however they like, I've never seen "sorted linked list" and "ordered linked list" mean two different things. They've always been interchangeable.

Actually this a question given to us as a college assignment.So there must be some difference.But thanks for replying.

>So there must be some difference.
If there must be a difference, why does the question offer "no" as one of the possible answers? Anyway, if you weren't paying attention in class, you're SOL. So just say "no" as an answer and if you get it wrong, you'll have learned two things:

  1. Pay more attention to what you're taught because it generally comes back to haunt you.
  2. What your teacher thinks the difference is between a "sorted" and "ordered" in a linked list.

>So there must be some difference.
If there must be a difference, why does the question offer "no" as one of the possible answers? Anyway, if you weren't paying attention in class, you're SOL. So just say "no" as an answer and if you get it wrong, you'll have learned two things:

  1. Pay more attention to what you're taught because it generally comes back to haunt you.
  2. What your teacher thinks the difference is between a "sorted" and "ordered" in a linked list.

Our faculty has policy of asking questions in assignment which are not been taught in class. So your first point doesn't make sense.Please don't over react.

>Our faculty has policy of asking questions in assignment which are not been taught in class.
You'd have to have learned it somewhere or they wouldn't ask the question. Teachers don't require students to magically know things.

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