If I have a vector<string> and do a find, the find returns me an iterator. How do I know what position of the vector does the iterator point to?

for example.

vector<string> myVec;
myVec.push_back( "A");
myVec.push_back( "B");
myVec.push_back( "C");
myVec.push_back( "D");
vector<string>myVec::iterator myIter = myVec.find(myVec.begin(), myVec.end(), "C" );
if ( myIter != myVec.end() )
   cout<<"FOUND C at position:"<<??????<<endl;

What do I need to do to have the cout give me 2 in this case? (Given that the vector starts with position 0, etc.)

myIter - myVec.begin() would be a start.

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