Hey guys. I am seriously not as smart as you all.

I am working on this program and need read info from an access database to a DataGridView. Now that part i can do. the part i cannot do, and the code i dont know what it is, is to save or update the newly edited data to the access file.

Can you guys please help me. I have no clue what so ever.

Thank you.

You would need to use an SQL Insert query to achieve this, for example;

INSERT INTO tblExample(Field1, Field2, Field3) VALUES (@Field1,@Field2,@Field3)

This would need to be done programatically, i've never used Access so all my code snippets and samples are SQL Server 2005 orientated although i can post them if you wish, for you to get an idea of how it's done?

- Jordan

Im getting there.... its 1am... and i have officially hit another brick wall.... i think i made a wrong decision to have used access...

You would need to use an SQL Insert query to achieve this, for example;

INSERT INTO tblExample(Field1, Field2, Field3) VALUES (@Field1,@Field2,@Field3)

This would need to be done programatically, i've never used Access so all my code snippets and samples are SQL Server 2005 orientated although i can post them if you wish, for you to get an idea of how it's done?

- Jordan

Wow, thank you Jordan, that will Really be helpful... I myself am a beginner at database connections. i just used access as i assumed it would be the easiest. but if you suggest that i must use SQL, and give me a few pointers, i will change my program as soon as now. Because, this isnt the easiest one i am connecting to i am beginning to realize.

Well at work we use SQL Server 2005 because of the ease of use and the portability more than anything, I'm not in a position to tell you what you should use as it can come down to personal preference, I have little experience with Access though so I wouldn't be of much help when it came down to using Access :)

- Jordan

=) Thank you. Oky, so this project is for next week, i will let you know how it went.. This is the part of my life where i am going to be ever against or for access or SQL, so lets see which one ill side with in the end.

Ruan. =)

No problem and good luck :)

- Jordan

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