
i am new to java programming, i do not know anything...
can anybody post a sample program for implementing jeditorpane.
it will be a great help ....

thanks in advance...

What do you get when you Search or Google ?

thank you for responding,
i did not find a program which displays a weblink which when clicked opens in any browser.. and which is running without errors

What does opening in a browser have to do with the JEditPane class?

evryone on the net says to use jeditorpane
if we can do without jeditorpane..please let me know..this helps me a lot

What is it you want to do?

i want to display a link in jcontent pane or any window and when clicked should be opened in any browser

Thank you for your suggestion. I tried many sample programs but nothing seems to be close to what i want. could you/anyone please give me a sample program which displays a link like www.google.com or any other website address and when clicked opens that page/link in explorer

I don't know if any these will work, but a simple google search turned up these links.
Hope one of these will give you what you're looking for.

BTW, my search terms were "java program url launch browser".

Thank you for your reply, i have a question
can we do this by invoking command prompt as below

Here's a simple way you can run Internet Explorer from the command line...

Create a new text file that contains the following line:

@start "" /b "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" %*

Rename the file e.bat

Copy this file to your profile folder

C:\Documents and Settings\your_account_name

Now you can open a command prompt window and type the following

e www.trap17.com

Yep, that works too. Assuming you have the batch file as described in your post, the following program will launch the browser with the given URL.

import java.io.*;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       try {
          Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("e.bat www.trap17.com");
      } catch (Exception e) {

Note that from the command line you can just say "e www.trap17.com", but from inside the java program you have to say
"e.bat www.trap17.com".

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