I'm reasonably new to assembly, but now that I have mastered the basics, I would like to start using something a little more fun. Can anyone tell me where I can find a book on Assembly for building GUI interfaces.

Because this is nice and low level, I don't except the code to be as easy as MSGBOX "SAY THIS", which is the reason why I am learning Assembly.

I would like to move away from annoying APIs...

I know it sounds fun to code it in assembly, but you would be better off using your time to learn a higher level language such as c, c++, c#, php, etc. There is almost no need for assembly programmers any more.

I can recommended to take a look on www.tahir007.com for Tdasm assembler because with this assembler you can easily programming your own GUI that will be multiplatform (Linux, Windows, Mac). Mixing Python and assembler is very easy so you can program low-level drawing routine in assembler and logic in Python. I currently develop GUI this way and it's going very well!

I know it sounds fun to code it in assembly, but you would be better off using your time to learn a higher level language such as c, c++, c#, php, etc. There is almost no need for assembly programmers any more.

I already know C++, C, PHP and, even though I hate it, VB.
And anyways, I want to do really low level stuff, I want to work my way towards developing a OS.

If OS development is what you have in mind, you might want to look into the OS-Dev Wiki and forums. I'll warn you, though, they are not very tolerant of those who come into their message board unprepared, or who don't follow the forum rules; make sure that you've exhausted your other resources before posting a question there.

commented: Excellent :) +33
commented: Excellent URL :) +1

"And anyways, I want to do really low level stuff, I want to work my way towards developing a OS."

If an operating system is what you have in mind, you are starting at the wrong end. The GUI will be one of the last things you write, and it will draw upon the API/services which you will have written into your operating system.

You will certainly be using assembly language in writing an operating system, and in principle the whole thing could be written in assembly language. However, it is more common only to use assembly language for the lowest level code, and to write the rest in C. For that reason, you are unlikely to find a book about writing a GUI in assembly language.

To start writing an operating system, you will need to learn about the hardware in the PC. These sites might help:


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