
So I've been having problems with my Eclipse C++ IDE. In other words, I haven't been able to run anything, not even a hello world program. I think the problem has to do with the fact that I don't have a c++ complier in my system. I use Windows Vista. Please can someone help me with this? Which compiler should I get and how do I go about installing it?

DevC++ is good - it makes .exe from your compiled code
Code::Blocks is better it does the same thing but in a directory format

Lots of support for both in google.

While Dev-C++ and Code::Blocks are indeed good IDEs, that's all they are - development environments. They both use the MinGW version of GCC for their default compiler, and that may be the best choice to use with Eclipse,too.

OTOH, if you get Visual C++ Express, which like MinGW is free, you should be able to configure Eclipse to work with it as well.

While Dev-C++ and Code::Blocks are indeed good IDEs, that's all they are - development environments. They both use the MinGW version of GCC for their default compiler, and that may be the best choice to use with Eclipse,too.

OTOH, if you get Visual C++ Express, which like MinGW is free, you should be able to configure Eclipse to work with it as well.

Ok, I'm downloading visual c++ express. Once I have Visual c++, are you saying my Eclipse would automatically have a compiler to work with or is there something I'll have to set in Eclipse?

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