Could someone please give me some advice as to why, when I run my program I get a segmentation fault?
The code is posted below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef float Elem;
struct Vector
unsigned short int size;
Elem* array;
// Instruct user on how to use this program; i.e. the commands it
// supports and the syntax of those commands.
// In:
// none
// Out:
// output produced on standard output
void usage(void)
puts( " Usage:" );
puts( " p - print vector" );
puts( " q,e - quit, end" );
puts( " h - print usage help" );
puts( " + <operand> - add <operand> to each element of vector" );
puts( " - <operand> - subtract <operand> from each element of vector" );
puts( " * <operand> - multiple each element of vector by <operand>" );
puts( " / <operand> - divide each element of vector by <operand>" );
puts( " a <value> - extend vector by additional value" );
// Allocates an empty (zero length vector)
// In:
// none
// Out:
// return -- a pointer to an empty array
Vector *alloc_vec(void)
Vector *vector_ptr;
vector_ptr->size = 0;
vector_ptr->array = NULL;
vector_ptr->array = new Elem[vector_ptr->size];
return vector_ptr;
// Print the Vector (print each element of the vector)
// In:
// Vector * (pointer to a vector)
// Out:
// output produced on standard output
void print_vec(Vector * vector_ptr)
for (int i=0; i < vector_ptr->size; i++)
cout << vector_ptr->array[i];
cout << " ";
cout << "\n";
// deallocate the Vector (delete the Vector)
// In:
// Vector * (pointer to a vector)
// Out:
// none
void dealloc_vec(Vector * vector_ptr)
delete [] vector_ptr; // When done, free memory pointed to by vector_ptr
vector_ptr = NULL;
// Extend the Vector (append a new element to the vector)
// In:
// Vector * (pointer to a vector)
// Elem (element)
// Out:
// return -- pointer to a new vector with the element appened to it
Vector *extend_vec(Vector * vector_ptr, Elem element)
Vector *new_vector_ptr;
new_vector_ptr->size = vector_ptr->size + 1;
new_vector_ptr->array = NULL;
new_vector_ptr->array = new float[new_vector_ptr->size];
for (int i=0; i < vector_ptr->size; i++)
new_vector_ptr->array[i] = vector_ptr->array[i];
new_vector_ptr->array[new_vector_ptr->size - 1] = element;
return new_vector_ptr;
// add a scalar to the Vector (add the scalar to each element of the vector)
// In:
// Vector * (pointer to a vector)
// Elem (scalar)
// Out:
// return -- pointer to a new vector with the scalar added to it
Vector *scalar_plus(Vector * vector_ptr, Elem scalar)
for (int i=0; i < vector_ptr->size; i++)
vector_ptr->array[i] = vector_ptr->array[i] + scalar;
return vector_ptr;
// main:
// Program entry point
// In:
// Out:
// return -- EXIT_SUCCESS if program terminates normally,
// EXIT_FAILURE otherwise
int main()
int num_errors = 0;
Vector *my_vector_ptr = NULL;
my_vector_ptr = alloc_vec();
my_vector_ptr = extend_vec(my_vector_ptr, 1.0);