Could you please have a look at the code and tell me the reason why it is giving me an error?
int timeDiff(std::string startDateTime, std::string endDateTime)
std::string strtYYYY, strtMM, strtDD, endYYYY, endMM, endDD;
int strtY, strtM, strtD, endY, endM, endD;
strtYYYY = startDateTime.substr (0, 4);
cout << "String Start Year = " << strtYYYY << endl;
strtY = atoi(strtYYYY.c_str());
cout << "int Start Year = " << strtY << endl;
strtMM = startDateTime.substr (5, 2);
cout << "String Start Month = " << strtMM << endl;
strtM = atoi(strtMM.c_str());
cout << "int Start Month = " << strtM << endl;
strtDD = startDateTime.substr (8, 2);
cout << "String Start Day = " << strtDD << endl;
strtD = atoi(strtDD.c_str());
cout << "int Start Day = " << strtD << endl;
endYYYY = endDateTime.substr (0, 4);
cout << "String End Year = " << endYYYY << endl;
endY = atoi(endYYYY.c_str());
cout << "int end Year = " << endY << endl;
endMM = endDateTime.substr (5, 2);
cout << "String End Month = " << endMM << endl;
endM = atoi(endMM.c_str());
cout << "int End month = " << endM << endl;
endDD = endDateTime.substr (8, 2);
cout << "String End Day = " << endDD << endl;
endD = atoi(endDD.c_str());
cout << "int End Day = " << endD << endl;
struct tm timeinfo;
double dif;
time_t time = mktime( &timeinfo );
dif = difftime (time); // *** it is giving me error at this line. Which two arguments (time_t) can I pass to it according to the code I have written?
return 1; // should actually be the time difference