Could you please have a look at the code and tell me the reason why it is giving me an error?

int timeDiff(std::string startDateTime, std::string endDateTime)
	std::string strtYYYY, strtMM, strtDD, endYYYY, endMM, endDD;
	int strtY, strtM, strtD, endY, endM, endD;

	strtYYYY = startDateTime.substr (0, 4);
	cout << "String Start Year = " << strtYYYY << endl;
	strtY = atoi(strtYYYY.c_str()); 
	cout << "int Start Year = " << strtY << endl;

	strtMM = startDateTime.substr (5, 2);
	cout << "String Start Month = " << strtMM << endl;
	strtM = atoi(strtMM.c_str()); 
	cout << "int Start Month = " << strtM << endl;

	strtDD = startDateTime.substr (8, 2);
	cout << "String Start Day = " << strtDD << endl;
	strtD = atoi(strtDD.c_str()); 
	cout << "int Start Day = " << strtD << endl;

	endYYYY = endDateTime.substr (0, 4);
	cout << "String End Year = " << endYYYY << endl;
	endY = atoi(endYYYY.c_str()); 
	cout << "int end Year = " << endY << endl;

	endMM = endDateTime.substr (5, 2);
	cout << "String End Month = " << endMM << endl;
	endM = atoi(endMM.c_str()); 
	cout << "int End month = " << endM << endl;

	endDD = endDateTime.substr (8, 2);
	cout << "String End Day = " << endDD << endl;
	endD = atoi(endDD.c_str()); 
	cout << "int End Day = " << endD << endl;

	struct tm timeinfo;
	double dif;


	time_t time = mktime( &timeinfo );
	dif = difftime (time); // *** it is giving me error at this line. Which two arguments (time_t) can I pass to it according to the code I have written?

	return 1; // should actually be the time difference

Without knowing what the error is and where the error is, no.

it is giving me an error at line 47 that mktime takes two arguments. How can I correct it?

dif = difftime (time); // *** it is giving me error at this line. Which two arguments (time_t) can I pass to it according to the code I have written?
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