i'm a newbie to this community of superb IT professionals..
act i'm doing a project in image processing using c and all i wanted to kno is that,is it possible to do the image processing of a colour image without converting it to a gray scale image and then converting it back to normal because the algorithm which we are working on works on colour intensity.
if yes..can u please help me out with the codes.
watin for reply...

No we cannot help you with your codes but we will help you out with the problems you may encounter while writing your codes. First know the format of image you are trying to manipulate. BMP or JPEG of 8 bit RGB or 24 bit RGB and also the construction of a jpeg file and other stuff needed from here. Once you know all these you will have a better picture of the problem in hand. Also look at convert command in Linux.

k thanks i'll surly look into it and discuss with u if i have any doubts..

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