Hi, I am trying to split a string and return specific words.
I know that using string.split() turns the string into a list of specific words.
But how would I go about returning specific words? like the ones that contain certain letters?

This is my code so far:

def e_words(m):
      forbid == e
      word == m.split()
      if forbid in m:
          return forbidword

I want forbidword to be the words that contain the letter e.
How would I achieve that?

Now your function is basically doing nothing right. Start from beginning and test and add functionality. Step one: make this print string word, if string forbid is in word

forbid = 'e'
word = 'test'
if # your code

lol. Sorry Tony

def e_words(m):
      forbid = 'e'
      word = m.split()
      if forbid in word:
          return forbidword

I can't figure out what forbidword should be.

m.split() is not word. I suggest to write the simple code I asked, and go step by step.

m.split() is not word. I suggest to write the simple code I asked, and go step by step.

I know word is not m.split().

word is basically, the user's string turned into a list of 'words'. hence the name word.

example: user_input = raw_input("Enter a string: ") suppose user enters: "This is a string"

word ==

I want to search that list, and return the words that contain the letter 'e'.

Add some printing to figure out what you are testing. Link to iterating through lists.

def e_words(m):
      forbid = 'e'
      word = m.split()
      print "testing", forbid, "in", word
      if forbid in word:
          return forbidword

Add some printing to figure out what you are testing. Link to iterating through lists.

def e_words(m):
      forbid = 'e'
      word = m.split()
      print "testing", forbid, "in", word
      if forbid in word:
          return forbidword

Ok. I did. It returns:
"testing" e in

But I don't know how forbidword should be written.
forbidword is supposed to be the words in the list that contain the letter 'e'.

In addition to the iterating through lists link above, there is also list comprehension which is the simplest way to do this.

testing = ['This', 'is', 'a', 'string'
print [x for x in testing if "t" in x.lower()]

In addition to the iterating through lists link above, there is also list comprehension which is the simplest way to do this.

testing = ['This', 'is', 'a', 'string'
print [x for x in testing if "t" in x.lower()]

I typed that in into my interpreter and this is what I got:

# remember this is the string.
testing = ['This', 'is', 'a', 'string']

print [x for x in testing if "t" in x.lower()]

['This', 'string']

So not to pass up a great opportinuy to learn, wooee. What is going on here:

[x for x in testing if "t" in x.lower()]

In addition to the iterating through lists link above, there is also list comprehension which is the simplest way to do this.

testing = ['This', 'is', 'a', 'string'
print [x for x in testing if "t" in x.lower()]

I took woooee's code and I am trying to iterate a list of characters:
When I go and run this, it only checks the first letter in the list of characters(forbidlist)

What happened?

list1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']

#This is what I got
def iter_list(a):
    for s in a:
        return s

#checks to see if the given string contains the forbidden letters.
def avoids(m,f):
    forbidlist = list(f.lower())
    userlist = m.split()
    wordswithforbid = [x for x in userlist if iter_list(forbidlist) in x.lower()]
    wordsnonforbid = list(set(userlist).difference(wordswithforbid))
    number_of_non = len(wordsnonforbid)
    return str(number_of_non) + " words don't have the forbidden letters."

iter_list is not iterator it is function, which returns first letter of the sequence a, error if a is not iterable (for example None) and None for empty sequence. One step at time!

iter_list is not iterator it is function, which returns first letter of the sequence a, error if a is not iterable (for example None) and None for empty sequence. One step at time!

Does Python have a built in iterator?
I was in the python interpreter and I typed in help(list)
I was looking through what came up, and I came across iter(x) - is that the iterator?
I tried using it and all I got was: <listiterator object at 0xb77029ac>

Most cases sequence behaves enough like iterator:

>>> values='a','b','c'
>>> for item in values:
    print item

Most cases sequence behaves enough like iterator:

>>> values='a','b','c'
>>> for item in values:
    print item

How do I turn my list: forbidlist
into just values(no brackets?)

You do not need to:

forbid = ['a','b','c']
words = ['apple', 'orange','Kiwi', 'Banana']
for character in forbid:
    for word in words:
        if character in word.lower():
            print character, word
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