Hello guys im been tasked to do a series of complex functions. so far im able to complete addition, subtraction and multiplication, but currently stuck at division. Would appreciate any kind soul help on this

class Complex 


   Complex( double r, double i ) : re(r), im(i) {}
   Complex operator+( Complex &other );
   Complex operator-( Complex &other );
   Complex operator*( Complex &other );
   Complex operator/( Complex &other );
   void Display( ) 
	   cout << re << " + " << im <<"i"<< endl; }
   double re, im; //re = Real Number1, im = Imaginary1, other.re = Real2, other.im = Imaginary2
int main() 
   Complex a = Complex(4, 5 );    //given static value for convenience.Actual case will require user to input values.
   Complex b = Complex( 3, 2 );
   Complex c = Complex( 0,0 );

   c = a/b;

Division code

int normalize = (other.re * other.re) + (other.im * other.im);//debug denominator
	cout<< " Output: "<< normalize<<"test"; //denominator = 13

	int testing1=((re * other.re) + (im * other.im));
	cout<<"Output of first expression: "<<testing1<<" / "<<normalize<< "Confirmed correct"<<endl;  //debug expression 1, 22 is correct answer

	int testing2=((im * other.re) - (re * other.im));
		cout<<"Output of second expression: " <<testing2<<"testing1";
	cout<<" Final Output: "<<testing2<<" / "<<normalize<<"Final test"<<endl;//debug expression 2, +7i is correct answer

  return Complex(((re * other.re) + (im * other.im)), 
    ((im * other.re) - (re * other.im)));   //debug of expression 1 and 2, 22+7i

The equation is correct, however the system keeps displaying its float values after i put in the denominator. For now it only displays 22+7i. My question is, how do i make it such that i can make it display 22+7i/13

If you want that then you need to have a fraction class that handles that. So that instead of just displaying its floating values, it can display the numerator and denominator. Thus ultimately, you need to keep a variable for the numerator and denominator. So instead of double re,im you need either Fraction real,imaginary or something like double realNumerator, realDenominator, imaginaryNumerator, ImaginaryDenominator and keep track of each variable. I suggest creating a fraction class that handles those for you. Or just be satisfied with floating numbers.

ah. I was thinking something of modifying the display output instead, rather than create a whole new class for it. Floating numbers are really a no go for the program though.

Do you mind pasting the psuedocode for the fraction class so i can get started on it?

Umm...maybe something like so :

class Fraction{
 int _numerator, _denominator;
 Fraction(int num = 0, int denom = 1): _numerator(num), _denominator(denom){
  //make sure denominator is not 0!
 int numerator()const{return _numerator;}
 int denominator()const{ return _denominator;}

 int numerator(int n){ _numerator = n;}
 int denominator(int d){ /*makre sure d != 0 */ _denominator = 0; }
 string toString()const{
   return _toStr(_numerator) + "/" + _toStr(_denominator);
 void display()const{ cout << _numerator << "/" << _denominator ;}
 float value(){ return float(_numerator)/_denominator; }

 string _toStr(int num)const{
  stringstream ss;
  ss << num;
  return ss.str();

The above isn't compiled but you get the idea.

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