Prblem: Implement a base class Account and derived classes Savings and Checking. In the base class,supply member functions deposit(), withdraw(), and print() which prints out the ownerand balance. Create constructors that take a string (for the owner's name) and a double for the initialbalance. All methods should return void.
I also need to implement a daily_interest()but i didnt do it
My code did compile right, but it did not give the right output

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

const int DAYS_PER_MONTH = 30;

///////////// Account CLASS //////////////////////////
class Account
    Account(double amount);
    void deposit(double amount);
    void withdraw(double amount);
    void print();
    void daily_interest();
    double balance;
Account::Account(double amount)
    balance = amount;
void Account::deposit(double amount)
    balance += amount;
void Account::withdraw(double amount)
    balance -= amount;
void Account::print()
    cout << balance;
void Account::daily_interest()
///////////// Savings CLASS //////////////////////////
class Savings : public Account
    Savings(double balance);
    double get_balance() const;
    double s_balance;
Savings::Savings(double balance)
    : Account(balance)
    s_balance = balance;
double Savings::get_balance() const
    return s_balance;
///////////// Checking CLASS //////////////////////////
class Checking : public Account
    Checking(double balance);
    double get_balance() const;
    double c_balance;
Checking::Checking(double balance)
    : Account(balance)
     c_balance = balance;
double Checking::get_balance() const 

    return c_balance;
int main()
    Checking c = Checking(1000.0);
    Savings s = Savings(1000.0);
    for (int i = 1; i <= DAYS_PER_MONTH; i++)
        c.deposit(i * 5);
        c.withdraw(i * 2);
        s.deposit(i * 5);
        s.withdraw(i * 2);
        if (i % 10 == 0)
            cout << "day " << i << "\n";
            cout << "Checking balance: " << c.get_balance() << "\n";
            cout << "Savings balance: " << s.get_balance() << "\n";
    return 0;

What is the output supposed to be? What is the current output?

the outputs are suppose to be different but what i got out were all the same
i think my deposit and withdraw are not working

I made the class definition for the checking and saving, but i don't know how to do the inheritance... =.=

class Savings
    Savings(double balance);
    double get_balance() const;
    void deposit(double amount);
    void withdraw(double amount);
    void print() const;
    void daily_interest();
    double s_balance;
Savings::Savings(double balance)
    s_balance = balance;
double Savings::get_balance() const
    return s_balance;
void Savings::deposit(double amount)
    s_balance += amount;
void Savings::withdraw(double amount)
    s_balance -= amount;
void Savings::print() const
    cout << s_balance;
void Savings::daily_interest()
    s_balance += s_balance*(0.06/DAYS_PER_MONTH);
///////////// Checking CLASS //////////////////////////
class Checking
    Checking(double balance);
    double get_balance() const;
    void deposit(double amount);
    void withdraw(double amount);
    void print() const;
    void daily_interest();
    double c_balance;
Checking::Checking(double balance)
    c_balance = balance;
double Checking::get_balance() const
    return c_balance;
void Checking::deposit(double amount)
    c_balance += amount;
void Checking::withdraw(double amount)
    c_balance -= amount;
void Checking::print() const
    cout << c_balance;
void Checking::daily_interest()
    double over = c_balance - 1000;
    c_balance += over*(0.03/30);

First off, what class do you want to inherit? Since there is no mention of a third class, it's hard to guess what class you want to introduce. Inheritance is easy. Let's say I am introducing a ChildSavings class which will inherit from the Saving class, the code would just be as follows.

class ChildSavings : public Savings   // this is how you introduce inheritance
   // add class methods and properties here

The ChildSavings class will have all the properties and methods of its parent class. Hope this is what you're looking for.

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