I'm working on a project and I have to extract each word of a line that the operator just entered in the program. I'm not sure how to do that. Any help with be super appreciated.
Here is my code...
using namespace std;!!
class StringModify!
void get_data();!
//takes a line of input from the user
void extract_word();!
//extracts each word from the input line
string reverse_word(const string& s);!
//returns a string which is reverse of s
void swap(char& v1, char& v2);!
//interchanges value of v1 and v2
void append(const string& reverse_word);!
//puts together each reversed word with whitespaces to get formatted_line
void display();!!
//displays both input line and formatted_line
string line;! //original string
string formatted_line;!//formatted string
int main()
StringModify data1;
string get_data;
cout<<"Enter the string: ";
cout<<"The original string is: "<<get_data<<endl;
return 0;
void StringModify::get_data()!
void StringModify::extract_word()!
// Insert your code here
string StringModify::reverse_word(const string& s)
// Insert your code here
void StringModify::swap(char& v1, char& v2)
// Insert your code here