I am not understanding how to fix these problems. I have placed bracket, removed brackets. Could someone please help break this down. most of my error is cannot find symbols, line 80 is unclosed character, 113, 121, 126, 127, 137,is class, interface or enum expected. I am suppose to modify the program so that it handles multiple items.
- create a method to calculate the value of the entire inventory.
- create another method to sort the array items by the name of the product.
here is my code so far:
import java.util.Scanner;
//Inventory program
//Program monitors DVD inventory, prices, and stock
public class InventoryPart2 {
public static void main(String[] args){
//create Scanner to obtain input from command window
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
{//begin main method
System.out.print("Welcome to the My DVD inventory program");//welcome
System.out.println();//blank line
//declare variables
String DVDTitle;
double ItemNum = 0.00;
int items = 0;
double DvdPrice = 0.00;
int count;//counter control variable
double DvdRestock = 0.00;
System.out.println("How many DVDs would you like to order?");//prompt for lenght of array
count = input.nextInt();//prompt for users input
String removeNewLine = input.nextLine();//removes newline created by pressing <enter>
//declare arrays
DVD[] my = new DVD[count];
for (int i = 0; i<count;i++)
{//input count for new DVD's
System.out.println();//blank line
System.out.println("Enter title of DVD.");//prompt for title
DVDTitle = input.nextLine();//user input
System.out.println();//blank line
System.out.println("Please enter item Number.");//prompt for item number
unitNumber = input.nextDouble();//user input item number as double
System.out.println();//blank line
System.out.println("Please enter price of DVD.");//prompt for price
DVdPrice = input.nextDouble();//enter price
DVD newDVD = new DVD(DVDTitle, itemNumber, itemPrice, itemsStocked);
//place dvd's created in the array of dvd's
myDVD[count] = newDVD;
}//end for
double DvdValue = (DvdPrice*itemStock);
//double totalInventory = Value();
for(int i = 0;i<count;i++)
{//print information from array
System.out.println("DVD Title:"+ DVDTitle);
System.out.println("Item Number:" + ItemNumber);
System.out.println("Price:" + DVDPrice);
System.out.println("Number in Stock" +NumberInStock);
System.out.println("Stock Value:" + DvdValue);
System.out.println();//blank line
}//end for
System.out.println("Total Inventory:" + totalInventory);
}//end main method
public class DVD
//declare variables
String DvdTitle = '--'; <---(unclosed character)
double itemNumber = 0.00;
double ItemPrice = 0.00;
int NumberInStock = 0;
double restockFee = 0.00;
public DVD (String DvdTitle, double ItemNumber, double ItemPrice, int NumberInStock, double RestockFee){
public DVD(){
this.DvdTitle = DvdTitle;
this.itemNumber = itemNumber;
this.DVDPrice = DVDPrice;
this.NumberInStock = NumberInStock;
this. restockFee = RestockFee;
//get and set methods
public String getDvdTitle()
return DvdTitle;
public void setDVDTitle(String DvdTitle)
this.DvdTitle = DvdTitle;
public double getItemNumber()<--line 111(missing method body or declare abstract)
return ItemNumber; <--- (cannot find symbol)
public void setItemNumber(double ItemNumber) <---(class, interface or enum expected)
this.ItemNumber = itemNumber;
public double getDvdPrice()
return DvdPrice;
public void setDvdPrice(doublePrice)
this.DvdPrice = DvdPrice;
public int getNumberInStock(int NumberInStock){
return numberInStock;
public double getRestockFee()
return(NumberInStock * DvdPrice);
//end classDVD
Thank You,