Hey all, this probably is a simple fix and i just don't see it.
I am having trouble printing out a code. I am supposed to print a list of User-names passwords and Pin numbers in visual C++ console, but when i run the program my pin numbers seem to be set automatically to a large random number.
here's some of my code:
const int MAXUSERS = 100;
// struct type
struct Login
int PIN;
typedef Login Users [MAXUSERS];
void ReadAllUsers (int numusers, Users ID);
void PrintAllUsers (int numusers, const Users ID);
void PrintOneUser (Login inID);
int main ()
Users ID;
int numusers;
//read's file to pull into struct
ReadAllUsers (numusers, ID);
//print list of users
PrintAllUsers (numusers, ID);
void ReadAllUsers (int numusers, Users ID)
int lcv; // for loop counter
int pins = 0;
ifstream infile; // input data file
// open the data file; abort run if can't open
infile.open ( "file.txt" );
if (!infile)
cout << "Error, file could not be opened."
<< endl << endl;
infile >> numusers;
infile.ignore (200, '\n');
for (lcv = 0; lcv < numusers; lcv++)
getline (infile, ID[lcv].username);
getline (infile, ID[lcv].password);
infile >> ID[lcv].PIN;
infile.ignore (200, '\n');
} // for loop
infile.clear ( );
infile.close ( );
I am pulling information for a text file that looks something like this (minus the <<---***** i added that to explain what each item is for):
5 <<-- first input saying how many users
gen34 <<--- username
mixitup <<-- password
8844 <<--- PIN #
and repeats a couple more times.
When I debug the program, all my int (lvc, numusers, PIN) are being set to -858993460. I can't seem to figure out why. It should be pulling 5 from the first value, then username and password are being pulled in the struct correctly, then i see PIN set to some ridiculous number.