I am trying to link a Core Java class (Format) that has worked well
for me for years. In the same project, I have a routine that makes a
Format.print(os, "%5.4f\n", fVar);
I get a msg from the JBuilder compiler:
Cannot resolve symbol: variable Format in class....
The thing is, in the same project I have a routine that makes the exact same call successfully! Why does this one file not able to make the proper link to the Format class?? I have tried copying the successful routine into a dummy routine and trying to compile it and still it won't link. Any ideas?
shuchi_jain 0 Newbie Poster
I am trying to link a Core Java class (Format) that has worked well
for me for years. In the same project, I have a routine that makes a
Format.print(os, "%5.4f\n", fVar);
I get a msg from the JBuilder compiler:
Cannot resolve symbol: variable Format in class....
The thing is, in the same project I have a routine that makes the exact same call successfully! Why does this one file not able to make the proper link to the Format class?? I have tried copying the successful routine into a dummy routine and trying to compile it and still it won't link. Any ideas?
I can't understand ur problem unless I see ur code.
chrisbliss18 26 Posting Shark
Is the Format class file in the same directory as the file you are not able to compile?
If it is not, are you importing the package?
Is your print() method in the Format package static?
You say that you can make the call "successfully" in another part of the project. Please elaborate on what you mean by "successfully". Do you mean that you can compile one class in the project which uses that code but no other classes? Or do you mean that the IDE doesn't indicate that there are any issues?
You really must give more information if we are to help you. Provide the basic structure of your Format class (including its package declaration and the print method definition), provide a more detailed view of the class that you are trying to compile (what it imports and where in the class you are trying to call the Format method), and provide details about the class that successfully compiles (assuming that there is one).
And please... Put all your code inside CODE tags.
Edited by happygeek because: fixed formatting
jwenting 1,905 duckman Team Colleague
yah, Format is in java.text, you probably forgot to import it.
gracin 0 Newbie Poster
The Format class IS in the same directory as the file I am trying to link with. I am not importing the package.
The print() method is not static. I am posting the Format class call (I am not using a part of Java, it is code from the Core Java book).
for(j=0; j<NBR_YRS; j++) {
Format.print(os, "%20.19f\n", getRandomDouble());
The Format java file is next:
import java.io.*;
/** Formats numbers following printf conventions: Stand-Damage Model Interface.<BR>
* from Core Java book
* Also implements C-like atoi and atof functions
1/13/99: Character.isSpace(s.charAt(i))) replaced by
* Main limitation: Can only handle one format parameter at a time
* Use multiple Format objects to format more than one number
* @param s the format string following printf conventions
* The string has a prefix, a format code and a suffix. The prefix and suffix
* become part of the formatted output. The format code directs the
* formatting of the (single) parameter to be formatted. The code has the
* following structure
* <ul>
* <li> a % (required)
* <li> a modifier (optional)
* <dl>
* <dt> + <dd> forces display of + for positive numbers
* <dt> 0 <dd> show leading zeroes
* <dt> - <dd> align left in the field
* <dt> space <dd> prepend a space in front of positive numbers
* <dt> # <dd> use "alternate" format. Add 0 or 0x for octal or hexadecimal numbers. Don't suppress trailing zeroes in general floating point format.
* </dl>
* <li> an integer denoting field width (optional)
* <li> a period followed by an integer denoting precision (optional)
* <li> a format descriptor (required)
* <dl>
* <dt>f <dd> floating point number in fixed format
* <dt>e, E <dd> floating point number in exponential notation (scientific format). The E format results in an uppercase E for the exponent (1.14130E+003), the e format in a lowercase e.
* <dt>g, G <dd> floating point number in general format (fixed format for small numbers, exponential format for large numbers). Trailing zeroes are suppressed. The G format results in an uppercase E for the exponent (if any), the g format in a lowercase e.
* <dt>d, i <dd> integer in decimal
* <dt>x <dd> integer in hexadecimal
* <dt>o <dd> integer in octal
* <dt>s <dd> string
* <dt>c <dd> character
* </dl>
* </ul>
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if bad format
* @version 1.01 15 Feb 1996
* @author Cay Horstmann
public class Format
public Format(String s)
{ width = 0;
precision = -1;
pre = "";
post = "";
leading_zeroes = false;
show_plus = false;
alternate = false;
show_space = false;
left_align = false;
fmt = ' ';
int state = 0;
int length = s.length();
int parse_state = 0;
// 0 = prefix, 1 = flags, 2 = width, 3 = precision,
// 4 = format, 5 = end
int i = 0;
while (parse_state == 0)
{ if (i >= length) parse_state = 5;
else if (s.charAt(i) == '%')
{ if (i < length - 1)
{ if (s.charAt(i + 1) == '%')
{ pre = pre + '%';
parse_state = 1;
else throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
pre = pre + s.charAt(i);
while (parse_state == 1)
{ if (i >= length) parse_state = 5;
else if (s.charAt(i) == ' ') show_space = true;
else if (s.charAt(i) == '-') left_align = true;
else if (s.charAt(i) == '+') show_plus = true;
else if (s.charAt(i) == '0') leading_zeroes = true;
else if (s.charAt(i) == '#') alternate = true;
else { parse_state = 2; i--; }
while (parse_state == 2)
{ if (i >= length) parse_state = 5;
else if ('0' <= s.charAt(i) && s.charAt(i) <= '9')
{ width = width * 10 + s.charAt(i) - '0';
else if (s.charAt(i) == '.')
{ parse_state = 3;
precision = 0;
parse_state = 4;
while (parse_state == 3)
{ if (i >= length) parse_state = 5;
else if ('0' <= s.charAt(i) && s.charAt(i) <= '9')
{ precision = precision * 10 + s.charAt(i) - '0';
parse_state = 4;
if (parse_state == 4)
{ if (i >= length) parse_state = 5;
else fmt = s.charAt(i);
if (i < length)
post = s.substring(i, length);
* prints a formatted number following printf conventions
* @param s a PrintStream
* @param fmt the format string
* @param x the double to print
public static void print(java.io.PrintStream s, String fmt, double x)
{ s.print(new Format(fmt).form(x));
* prints a formatted number following printf conventions
* @param s a PrintStream
* @param fmt the format string
* @param x the long to print
public static void print(java.io.PrintStream s, String fmt, long x)
{ s.print(new Format(fmt).form(x));
* prints a formatted number following printf conventions
* @param s a PrintStream
* @param fmt the format string
* @param x the character to
public static void print(java.io.PrintStream s, String fmt, char x)
{ s.print(new Format(fmt).form(x));
* prints a formatted number following printf conventions
* @param s a PrintStream, fmt the format string
* @param x a string that represents the digits to print
public static void print(java.io.PrintStream s, String fmt, String x)
{ s.print(new Format(fmt).form(x));
* Converts a string of digits (decimal, octal or hex) to an integer
* @param s a string
* @return the numeric value of the prefix of s representing a base 10 integer
public static int atoi(String s)
{ return (int)atol(s);
* Converts a string of digits (decimal, octal or hex) to a long integer
* @param s a string
* @return the numeric value of the prefix of s representing a base 10 integer
public static long atol(String s)
{ int i = 0;
while (i < s.length() && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) i++;
if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '0')
{ if (i + 1 < s.length() && (s.charAt(i + 1) == 'x' || s.charAt(i + 1) == 'X'))
return parseLong(s.substring(i + 2), 16);
else return parseLong(s, 8);
else return parseLong(s, 10);
private static long parseLong(String s, int base)
{ int i = 0;
int sign = 1;
long r = 0;
while (i < s.length() && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) i++;
if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '-') { sign = -1; i++; }
else if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '+') { i++; }
while (i < s.length())
{ char ch = s.charAt(i);
if ('0' <= ch && ch < '0' + base)
r = r * base + ch - '0';
else if ('A' <= ch && ch < 'A' + base - 10)
r = r * base + ch - 'A' + 10 ;
else if ('a' <= ch && ch < 'a' + base - 10)
r = r * base + ch - 'a' + 10 ;
return r * sign;
return r * sign;
* Converts a string of digits to an double
* @param s a string
public static double atof(String s)
{ int i = 0;
int sign = 1;
double r = 0; // integer part
double f = 0; // fractional part
double p = 1; // exponent of fractional part
int state = 0; // 0 = int part, 1 = frac part
while (i < s.length() && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) i++;
if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '-') { sign = -1; i++; }
else if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '+') { i++; }
while (i < s.length())
{ char ch = s.charAt(i);
if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9')
{ if (state == 0)
r = r * 10 + ch - '0';
else if (state == 1)
{ p = p / 10;
r = r + p * (ch - '0');
else if (ch == '.')
{ if (state == 0) state = 1;
else return sign * r;
else if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E')
{ long e = (int)parseLong(s.substring(i + 1), 10);
return sign * r * Math.pow(10, e);
else return sign * r;
return sign * r;
* Formats a double into a string (like sprintf in C)
* @param x the number to format
* @return the formatted string
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if bad argument
public String form(double x)
{ String r;
if (precision < 0) precision = 6;
int s = 1;
if (x < 0) { x = -x; s = -1; }
if (fmt == 'f')
r = fixed_format(x);
else if (fmt == 'e' || fmt == 'E' || fmt == 'g' || fmt == 'G')
r = exp_format(x);
else throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
return pad(sign(s, r));
* Formats a long integer into a string (like sprintf in C)
* @param x the number to format
* @return the formatted string
public String form(long x)
{ String r;
int s = 0;
if (fmt == 'd' || fmt == 'i')
{ s = 1;
if (x < 0) { x = -x; s = -1; }
r = "" + x;
else if (fmt == 'o')
r = convert(x, 3, 7, "01234567");
else if (fmt == 'x')
r = convert(x, 4, 15, "0123456789abcdef");
else if (fmt == 'X')
r = convert(x, 4, 15, "0123456789ABCDEF");
else throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
return pad(sign(s, r));
* Formats a character into a string (like sprintf in C)
* @param x the value to format
* @return the formatted string
public String form(char c)
{ if (fmt != 'c')
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
String r = "" + c;
return pad(r);
* Formats a string into a larger string (like sprintf in C)
* @param x the value to format
* @return the formatted string
public String form(String s)
{ if (fmt != 's')
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
if (precision >= 0) s = s.substring(0, precision);
return pad(s);
* a test stub for the format class
public static void main(String[] a)
{ double x = 1.23456789012;
double y = 123;
double z = 1.2345e30;
double w = 1.02;
double u = 1.234e-5;
int d = 0xCAFE;
Format.print(System.out, "x = |%f|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "u = |%20f|\n", u);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |% .5f|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "w = |%20.5f|\n", w);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |%020.5f|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |%+20.5f|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |%+020.5f|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |% 020.5f|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "y = |%#+20.5f|\n", y);
Format.print(System.out, "y = |%-+20.5f|\n", y);
Format.print(System.out, "z = |%20.5f|\n", z);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |%e|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "u = |%20e|\n", u);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |% .5e|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "w = |%20.5e|\n", w);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |%020.5e|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |%+20.5e|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |%+020.5e|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |% 020.5e|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "y = |%#+20.5e|\n", y);
Format.print(System.out, "y = |%-+20.5e|\n", y);
Format.print(System.out, "x = |%g|\n", x);
Format.print(System.out, "z = |%g|\n", z);
Format.print(System.out, "w = |%g|\n", w);
Format.print(System.out, "u = |%g|\n", u);
Format.print(System.out, "y = |%.2g|\n", y);
Format.print(System.out, "y = |%#.2g|\n", y);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%d|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%20d|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%020d|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%+20d|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |% 020d|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%-20d|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%20.8d|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%x|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%20X|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%#20x|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%020X|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%20.8x|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%o|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%020o|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%#20o|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%#020o|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "d = |%20.12o|\n", d);
Format.print(System.out, "s = |%-20s|\n", "Hello");
Format.print(System.out, "s = |%-20c|\n", '!');
private static String repeat(char c, int n)
{ if (n <= 0) return "";
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) s.append(c);
return s.toString();
private static String convert(long x, int n, int m, String d)
{ if (x == 0) return "0";
String r = "";
while (x != 0)
{ r = d.charAt((int)(x & m)) + r;
x = x >>> n;
return r;
private String pad(String r)
{ String p = repeat(' ', width - r.length());
if (left_align) return pre + r + p + post;
else return pre + p + r + post;
private String sign(int s, String r)
{ String p = "";
if (s < 0) p = "-";
else if (s > 0)
{ if (show_plus) p = "+";
else if (show_space) p = " ";
{ if (fmt == 'o' && alternate && r.length() > 0 && r.charAt(0) != '0') p = "0";
else if (fmt == 'x' && alternate) p = "0x";
else if (fmt == 'X' && alternate) p = "0X";
int w = 0;
if (leading_zeroes)
w = width;
else if ((fmt == 'd' || fmt == 'i' || fmt == 'x' || fmt == 'X' || fmt == 'o')
&& precision > 0) w = precision;
return p + repeat('0', w - p.length() - r.length()) + r;
private String fixed_format(double d)
{ String f = "";
if (d > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) return exp_format(d);
long l = (long)(precision == 0 ? d + 0.5 : d);
f = f + l;
double fr = d - l; // fractional part
if (fr >= 1 || fr < 0) return exp_format(d);
return f + frac_part(fr);
private String frac_part(double fr)
// precondition: 0 <= fr < 1
{ String z = "";
if (precision > 0)
{ double factor = 1;
String leading_zeroes = "";
for (int i = 1; i <= precision && factor <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; i++)
{ factor *= 10;
leading_zeroes = leading_zeroes + "0";
long l = (long) (factor * fr + 0.5);
z = leading_zeroes + l;
z = z.substring(z.length() - precision, z.length());
if (precision > 0 || alternate) z = "." + z;
if ((fmt == 'G' || fmt == 'g') && !alternate)
// remove trailing zeroes and decimal point
{ int t = z.length() - 1;
while (t >= 0 && z.charAt(t) == '0') t--;
if (t >= 0 && z.charAt(t) == '.') t--;
z = z.substring(0, t + 1);
return z;
private String exp_format(double d)
{ String f = "";
int e = 0;
double dd = d;
double factor = 1;
while (dd > 10) { e++; factor /= 10; dd = dd / 10; }
while (dd < 1) { e--; factor *= 10; dd = dd * 10; }
if ((fmt == 'g' || fmt == 'G') && e >= -4 && e < precision)
return fixed_format(d);
d = d * factor;
f = f + fixed_format(d);
if (fmt == 'e' || fmt == 'g')
f = f + "e";
f = f + "E";
String p = "000";
if (e >= 0)
{ f = f + "+";
p = p + e;
{ f = f + "-";
p = p + (-e);
return f + p.substring(p.length() - 3, p.length());
private int width;
private int precision;
private String pre;
private String post;
private boolean leading_zeroes;
private boolean show_plus;
private boolean alternate;
private boolean show_space;
private boolean left_align;
private char fmt; // one of cdeEfgGiosxXos
Edited by TrustyTony because: fixed formating
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