#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class NumDays
	double hours;
	double days;

	NumDays(double h=0)
	void setHours(double h)
	double getHours() const
		return hours;
	void setDays(double d)

	double getDays() const
		return days;

	NumDays operator + (NumDays &);
	NumDays operator ++();
	NumDays operator ++(int);


int main()
	NumDays dayOne(17),dayTwo(27), dayThree, dayFour, dayFive;

	cout<< "Day One: "<< dayOne.getDays() << endl;
	cout<< "Day Two: "<< dayTwo.getDays() << endl;

	dayThree = dayOne +dayTwo;

	cout<< "Day Three(in days): "<< dayThree.getDays() << endl;
	cout<< "Day Three(in hours): "<< dayThree.getHours() << endl;
	cout<< endl;

	dayFour=dayThree ++;
	cout<< "Day Three(in days): "<< dayThree.getDays() << endl;
	cout<< "Day Three(in hours): "<< dayThree.getHours() << endl;
	cout<< "Day Four(in days): "<< dayFour.getDays() << endl;
	cout<< "Day Four(in hours): "<< dayFour.getHours() << endl;
	cout<< endl;

	dayFive= ++dayThree;
	cout<< "Day Three(in days): "<< dayThree.getDays() << endl;
	cout<< "Day Three(in hours): "<< dayThree.getHours() << endl;
	cout<< "Day Five(in days): "<< dayFive.getDays() << endl;
	cout<< "Day Five(in hours): "<< dayFive.getHours() << endl;

	return 0;


Here is the error

Error	1	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class NumDays __thiscall NumDays::operator++(void)" (??ENumDays@@QAE?AV0@XZ) referenced in function _main	
Error	2	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class NumDays __thiscall NumDays::operator++(int)" (??ENumDays@@QAE?AV0@H@Z) referenced in function _main	
Error	3	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class NumDays __thiscall NumDays::operator+(class NumDays &)" (??HNumDays@@QAE?AV0@AAV0@@Z) referenced in function _main	
Error	4	fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals

It's looking for the function definitions of lines 39-41. Where are they implemented?

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