// 1. Find the frequencies of individual letters in a sample
// text file.
// 2. Display this information both numerically and graphically.
// a) In A..Z sequence
// b) In decreasing frequency sequence
// Programming concepts and C++ Language elements used
// a) vector of structs, b) sorting
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// global constant for the size of the alphabet
const int AlphabetSize = 26;
struct FreqInfo {
char letter; // a letter of the alphabet
int count; // its frequency (the number of times it appears)
}; // end freqInfo
// function prototypes
void printChars (int n, char c = '*'); // our old friend
int char2int(char arg);
void display(const vector<FreqInfo> & vec);
void sort(vector<FreqInfo> & vec); // sort the vector (decreasing count)
// function to store all letters and set the corresponding counts to 0
void init(vector<FreqInfo> & vec);
int main() {
// output identification
cout << "CPS 150 Assignment 11 by Brian Turk \n\n";
// variables needed
// vector of (Letter, Count) pairs
vector<FreqInfo> LtrCounts(AlphabetSize);
ifstream fin; // input file stream
string fileName; // input file's external name
char ch; // to hold a character read from file
int code; // to hold integer code corresponding to a character
int count[AlphabetSize]={0};
// prompt for the file name and get it
cout << "Enter the file name: " ; cin >> fileName ;
// abort if file could not be opened
if (!fin) {
cout << "\nCould not open " << fileName << " aborting run\n\n";
return 1;
} // end if
init(LtrCounts); // put the letters 'A'..'Z' in the vector and
// initialize the counts to 0
// run this loop until attempt to read a character from the file fails
while( fin>>ch ) {
// get the integer code for the character by calling char2int
code = char2int(ch) ;
// if code is between 0 and (AlphabetSize - 1) then the character was
// a letter so increment the corresponding counter (Be clever now!)
if ( code>=0 && code<AlphabetSize ) {
} // end while
cout << "The letter frequencies in alphabetic order\n\n";
// call display function to display the counters
display(LtrCounts) ;
// call sort function to sort the vector
sort(LtrCounts) ;
cout << "\nThe letter frequencies in decreasing order\n\n";
// call display function to display the counters again
display(LtrCounts) ;
cout << "\n\nAssignment 11 complete\n\n";
return 0;
} // end main
// function printChars writes n copies of the character c to the
// standard output device
void printChars (int n, char c) {
for (int k = 1; k <= n; k ++)
cout << c;
} // end printChars
// function char2int returns an integer code depending on its
// parameter. If the parameter is a letter then a value between 0 and
// 25 is returned (0 for A, 1 for B, ..., 25 for Z).
// If the parameter is not a letter, then -1 is returned
int char2int(char arg) {
if (!isalpha(arg))
return -1;
// arg is a letter, convert to upper case
arg = toupper(arg);
return static_cast<int>(arg) - static_cast<int>('A');
} // end char2int
// store all letters and set the corresponding counts to 0
void init(vector<FreqInfo> & vec) {
for (int k = 0; k < AlphabetSize; k++) {
vec[k].count = 0;
vec[k].letter = static_cast<char>(k + static_cast<int>('A'));
} // end for
} // end init
// function display displays the counters and letters from the vector
void display(const vector<FreqInfo> & vec) {
for (int k = 0; k < vec.size(); k++) {
// display the letter corresponding to k
cout << vec[k].letter << ':';
// display numer96ical value of the counter corresponding to k
cout << setw(3) << vec[k].count << ' ';
// call printChars to display properly sized bar
// end the line
cout << endl;
} // end for
} // end display
// This function sorts the vector in decreasing order of the counts.
void sort(vector<FreqInfo> & vec) {
// Use Bubble sort as it is stable, Selection sort is not stable
bool swapped = true;
int j = 0;
int tmp;
while (swapped) {
swapped = false;
for (int i = 0; i < AlphabetSize - j; i++) {
if (vec[i].count > vec[i + 1].count) {
tmp = vec[i].count;
vec[i].count = vec[i + 1].count;
vec[i + 1].count = tmp;
swapped = true;
} // end sort
This is the program I am writing with the skeleton of my professor. I am not sure how to pass the count into the vector and I have been at it for day. Please any help would be greatly appreciated.