Hello all,
I'll hopefully be attending a cognitive neuroscience PhD program next fall and I'd like to learn some programming beforehand (having programming skills helps for lots of neuroimaging labs). Labs I've worked in used UNIX, MATLAB, and E-Prime (visual basic) and I'd really like to improve my knowledge before I go to graduate school.
I'm working on learning UNIX and Visual Basic with decent success but as far as C++, I'm lost.
I know the book by Eckels (thinking in C++) is highly recommended but it just seems too advanced for me. I get overwhelmed with the material quickly and I don't know what the best approach to start learning it is.
So my question is, what is the best approach to start learning C++ with a limited programming background? I'd like to be familiar with MATLAB and create and run some simple programs in C. I know I won't become an expert programmer overnight (or ever probably) but I'm hoping to increase my proficiency before grad school.
Thank you for any feedback!!