Hi Good Day I am a newly programmer and I am a Working Student
I hope you guys can help me with my problem.
My Employer want's me to create a program
that will auto distribute accounts.


1,300 Endorsement
300,000K up considered as high balance
assuming that 300 of 1,300 accounts are the high bal.
therefore 1000 is the low bal.<<<"DONE IN SORTING

There are 2 teams A and B

get the total collections of both team

Total Collection Per Team
A = 1M
B = 900,000

if A > B
then A will get the 60% of the total Accounts
B will get the 40% of the total accounts

A = 600 Accounts
B = 400 Accounts

I need to distribute the 600 accounts to the 10 collectors in Team A and same with Team B depends on their Collection.

I need to Sort Also the Collectors per Team Depends on their Collections


Total Collection Per Collectors:<<"DONE
jhay 200,000
rhon 100,000
rhon 800,000...so and so forth

ACCOUNT_PERCENTAGE = PER Collectors Collection / Total Collection per Team * 100
to get the percentage of the Accounts


My problem is in Datagridview
How can I Auto Distribute this using Datagridview
What should I use?
Please help me guys I believe you guys can help me with this
kindly Send me an Email to talk with this further or
just post here
or just add me: SNIPPED

Thank you and God Bless

>My Employer want's me to create a program


That's not help. That would be doing your homework for you. Read the forum rules. You need to show effort, and what better way than posting the code that you have tried so far?

>My Employer want's me to create a program


That's not help. That would be doing your homework for you. Read the forum rules. You need to show effort, and what better way than posting the code that you have tried so far?

Ok sir Thank you for that sorry I'm new here in Daniweb actually in forums also.

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