Hi Good Day I am a newly programmer and I am a Working Student
I hope you guys can help me with my problem.
My Employer want's me to create a program
that will auto distribute accounts.
1,300 Endorsement
300,000K up considered as high balance
assuming that 300 of 1,300 accounts are the high bal.
therefore 1000 is the low bal.<<<"DONE IN SORTING
There are 2 teams A and B
get the total collections of both team
Total Collection Per Team
A = 1M
B = 900,000
if A > B
then A will get the 60% of the total Accounts
B will get the 40% of the total accounts
A = 600 Accounts
B = 400 Accounts
I need to distribute the 600 accounts to the 10 collectors in Team A and same with Team B depends on their Collection.
I need to Sort Also the Collectors per Team Depends on their Collections
Total Collection Per Collectors:<<"DONE
jhay 200,000
rhon 100,000
rhon 800,000...so and so forth
ACCOUNT_PERCENTAGE = PER Collectors Collection / Total Collection per Team * 100
to get the percentage of the Accounts
My problem is in Datagridview
How can I Auto Distribute this using Datagridview
What should I use?
Please help me guys I believe you guys can help me with this
kindly Send me an Email to talk with this further or
just post here
or just add me: SNIPPED
Thank you and God Bless