Im having trouble implementing this Queue simulation. This simulation basically estimates how long a student has to wait in line for lunch at my high school.

I get the following messages when trying to compile

[C++ Error] davislunch.cpp(30): E2034 Cannot convert 'line *' to 'line::node *'

Heres the source:


class student
          long arrive;
          int process;
          student() { arrive = process = 0; }
          void set(long when);
          long when() const { return arrive; }
          int proc_time() const { return process; }

typedef student PEOPLE;

class line
          struct node{ PEOPLE people; struct node *next; };
          enum{LINESZ = 10};
          line *front;
          line *back;
          int ppl;
          const int linesz;
          line(const line &l) : linesz(0) {}
          line &operator = (const line *l) { return *this; }
          line(int ls = LINESZ);
          bool isEmpty() const;
          bool isFull() const;
          int lineCount() const;
          bool add(const PEOPLE &people);
          bool del(PEOPLE &people);


line::line(int ls) : linesz(ls)
     front = back = 0;
     ppl = 0;

     node *temp;
     while(front != 0)
          temp = front;
          front = front->next;
          delete temp;

bool line::isEmpty() const
     return ppl == 0;

bool line::isFull() const
     return ppl == linesz;

int line::lineCount() const
     return ppl;

bool line::add(const PEOPLE &people)
          return false;
     node *add = new node;
     if(add == 0)
          return false;
     add->people = people;
     add->next = 0;
     if(front == 0)
          front = add;
          back->next = add;
     back = add;
     return true;

bool line::del(PEOPLE &people)
     if(front == 0)
          return false;
     people = front->people;
     node *temp = front;
     front = front->next;
     delete temp;
     if(ppl == 0)
          back = 0;
     return true;

void student::set(long when)
     process = std::rand() % 3 + 1;
     arrive = when;

Im using Borland C++ Builder 6.

Thanks is advanced

I think you want front and back to be of type node*.

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