
I would like some help if anyone can. I have researched, research and I just cant do it anymore - I have to ask. Before I do, I know this is probably a simple answer, and your fed up of explainng it but from my research (lots) the example code seems to be a simple situation, and I have tried to undertake what has been said...I always assign a value to a variable. As you will see below I have but I still get the error (below) I have spent hours trial and error and I havnt even 'randomly' come upon the correct answer!

Use of uninitialized value $VarComparison
acro_Files/NO_DEL/AccessExcel.pl line 84.
Use of uninitialized value $VarComparison
acro_Files/NO_DEL/AccessExcel.pl line 84.
Use of uninitialized value $VarComparison
acro_Files/NO_DEL/AccessExcel.pl line 84.

My modified code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Declare the subroutines
sub trim($);
sub ltrim($);
sub rtrim($);

# Right trim function to remove trailing whitespace
sub rtrim($)
	my $string = shift;
	$string =~ s/\s+$//;
	return $string;

use v5.12.1;
use strict;
use Win32::OLE qw(in with);
use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel';

$Win32::OLE::Warn = 3;                                # die on errors...

# get already active Excel application or open new
my $Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application')
    || Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', 'Quit');  

# open Excel file
my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open("C:/CH-53_Electronics/Macro_Files/NO_DEL/WDMASTER.xls"); 

# You can dynamically obtain the number of worksheets, rows, and columns
# through the Excel OLE interface.  Excel's Visual Basic Editor has more
# information on the Excel OLE interface.  Here we just use the first
#20 worksheet, rows 1 through 4 and columns 1 through 3.

# select worksheet number 1 (you can also select a worksheet by name)
my $Sheet = $Book->Worksheets("GA");


my $record;
our $ansi;

my $VarFileName = 0;

my $VarISS = "VarISS_TestValue";
my $VarDWGDO = "VarDWGDO_TestValue";

#our $varComparison = 0;

############## READ FILE FROM ISODRAW ##################

open(INFILE, "<:encoding(UTF-16)", "C:/CH-53_Electronics/Macro_Files/Tmp_Iso_FileName.txt");

print "$record \n";

$VarFileName = $record;


######## Trim the trailing whitespace ########
$VarFileName = rtrim($VarFileName);

# varDWGDO_Col is the column DWGDO, check that it is the 6th column in the excel.
my $VarDWGDO_Col = 6;

# VarISS_Col  is the column ISS, check that it is the 8th column in the excel.
my $VarISS_Col = 8;

# VarICN_Col  is the column ICN, check that it is the 16th column in the excel.
my $VarICN_Col = 16;

my $varFlag = 0;

foreach my $row (1..256)
	foreach my $col ($VarICN_Col)
	my $VarComparison = $Sheet->Cells($row,$VarICN_Col)->{'Value'};
	if ($VarComparison eq $VarFileName)
		$varFlag = 1;
		$VarISS = $Sheet->Cells($row,$VarISS_Col)->{'Value'}."\n";
		$VarDWGDO = $Sheet->Cells($row,$VarDWGDO_Col)->{'Value'}."\n";
		open WriteFILEISS, ">C:/boo/boo_ISS.txt" or die $!;
		print WriteFILEISS $VarISS;
		close WriteFILEISS;
		open WriteFILEDWGDO, ">C:/boo/boo_DWG.txt" or die $!;
		print WriteFILEDWGDO $VarDWGDO;
		close WriteFILEDWGDO;
		} else {
if ($varFlag == 0)
	open WriteFILEFAILED, ">>C:/boo/boo.txt1" or die $!;
	print WriteFILEFAILED $VarFileName."\n";
	close WriteFILEFAILED;
	open WriteFILEFAILEDERROR, ">C:/boo/boo.txt2" or die $!;
	} else {
	open WriteFILEFAILEDERROR, ">C:/boo/boo.txt3" or die $!;

# clean up after ourselves

I have tried declaring and assigning $VarComparison next to my $VarICN_Col = 16;
and making it global(our) ands it just doesnt want to work. I have added in everything to assist with the line # but I think the issue is around the for each loops everywhere else seems fine. I had this working originally but needed to change a few things around, the main things I changed was ($VarICN_Col) which used to be ($VarDWGDO_Col) - thats all. I havnt touched $varComparison.

Can someone please help me out here and explain why it doesnt work.

Many thanks


Sorry, I probably can't help you because my platform is Linux and I don't have Excel, etc. so can't test your script. I really don't see anything wrong with line 84 of your script.

Can you recreate the error in a simpler script without all the presumably irrelevant (irrelevant to the "uninitialized value $VarComparison error") stuff?

Have you tried looking to see what is in $VarComparison after this assignment?

my $VarComparison = $Sheet->Cells($row,$VarICN_Col)->{'Value'};

Just a thought.

Hi, ColMatrix,

I've looked in the CPAN documentation, and your code seems to be in order,
So, as mentioned above, it is most likely a matter of the field you assign to $VarComparison being empty, and therefore $VarComparison being empty as well. To verify that, add a

print "**$VarComparison**\n"

line before line 84 and see what does that variable include in each iteration. To get a better idea of what's happening in the loop, make the print more elaborate:

print "The value of cell $row,$VarICN_Col is '$VarComparison'\n"

This will help you in locating the cells at the sheet.

Finally, if this is indeed the issue you can change line 84 to say

if ($VarComparison && $VarComparison eq $VarFileName)

This will eliminate all the instances that the cell is empty from the checks.

A personal note, never be afraid to ask anything, at the least people here can direct you to where you can further your research.

commented: Good suggestion. +2
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