I have been trying to learn Django (and Python). I have a form that can have up to n elements. Each of those elements has 3 parts to it (a TextField, a TagField and a Checkbox). The form init looks like this

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        notesAndTags = kwargs.pop('notesAndTags')        
        super(NotesAndTagsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        for i, tagandtext in enumerate(notesAndTags):
            self.fields['tag_%s' % i] = TagField(initial = tagandtext.tag)
            self.fields['text_%s' % i] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea, initial=tagandtext.text)
            self.fields['import_%s' % i] = forms.BooleanField(initial=True)

This is based on this explanation of dynamic forms the form creates just fine.

The question is how do you then display that form using the correct tags?

If I do a

{{ form }}

in the template how do I ensure that the fields are grouped together as they should be? If I don't use the form that way how do I manually loop through

{% for import_note in form.importNote %}
	        <div class="field">
	            <label for="id_field">Tags:</label>
	            {{ form.fields['tag_%s' % forloop.counter0] }}

        {% empty %}
        	No data to import
        {% endfor %}

gives an error because I tried to use the forloop.counter0. Is there any way to do this without creating a custom form tag?


Better close this thread and ask your question in Django forum.
I will do that if i were you.

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