for ($i=0;$i<=$SIZE;$i++) {

if (...........

need to know how to ask if a line contains <!--addsearch--> AND more than two " speech quotes

Hope you can help


Here you go...

use strict;
use warnings;
my @array=<DATA>;
my $x;
for (@array){
		my @hold;
		my $count=(@hold)=$_=~/\"/g;
			print "yep line # $x: $_\n";
a line <br>
another"  with one quote <!--addsearch-->
yet one more
"and another" <!--addsearch-->
not this one
<!--addsearch--> "hi" 

just noticed that lines 9 & 10 can be replaced with:

my $count=()=$_=~/\"/g;

and not use the hold array. Gotta love perl

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