have this situation..

i have 5 checkboxes..and then i want to save the checked checkboxes on the database..how is possible?

say for example checkboxes 1 2 3 are checked..how can i put them in the databse?

i am using my sql..

Use Bit Datatype to store values..

if checked then TRUE or else FALSE

i know..but how to save the checked checkbox to database..

Do you use Microsoft Access for the database?

U can consider taking an array, and put the check box no which u have checked/which is unchecked(according to needs) as the elements of the array, once u complete ur task, match the array entries with the database table rows and enter.
Hope this helps. :)

Do you use Microsoft Access for the database?

i am using MS SQL

U can consider taking an array, and put the check box no which u have checked/which is unchecked(according to needs) as the elements of the array, once u complete ur task, match the array entries with the database table rows and enter.
Hope this helps. :)

do you have any code for that?..:)

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