How can I do this:
Implement the MergeSort algorithm in C++, Generate random numbers into a text file to read as input. The 2 parameters to the program are the input and output text files
How can I do this:
Implement the MergeSort algorithm in C++, Generate random numbers into a text file to read as input. The 2 parameters to the program are the input and output text files
The instructions are not clear enough. Do you have to generate two files that contain random numbers, such use a merge-sort altorithm to merge them into one sorted file? Or generate one large file, split it into two smaller files, then use merge-sort ?
You should start by reviewing these links
Thanks for your response
the Question is:
Implement the MergeSort algorithm in c++. Generate 512 random numbers as input from http://stattrek.com/Tables/Random.aspx (min value = 0; max value = 99999; allow duplicate entries; no seed) Place these numbers into a text file to read as input. The 2 parameters to the program are the input and output text files.
I hope it is clear now
If you only have one text file, what is to be merged? There is no need to merge a list of only 512 numbers. Merge-sort is used when there are millions, or even billions, of numbers because they can't be all in memory at the same time.
But I suppose for academic purposes you could take a file that contains 512 numbers, split the file into two files, sort each file, then merge them. I a real-life situation you would probably have to split the original file into many snaller files. To split the file in half read the first 256 numbers, save them in a text file, then read the remaining numbers and save them in another file.
So how can I do that, please
So how can I do that, please
Well, give it a shot and start to program. Start out simple -- first generate the list of random numbers. Only when you are finished with that -- and the program compiles correctly and tested -- should you begin the second part. The second part is to split the file into two smaller files.
We are not going to write the program for you -- just start writing, compiling and testing. You can always post the code you have written here is you come across a problem that you do not understand.
Thank you very much
Actually i started the program and I almost done but i don't know how to write my sorted array on a text file
can anyone help me to do that, please
This is my program
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//Function Declarations
void mergeSort(int numbers[], int temp[], int array_size);
void m_sort(int numbers[], int temp[], int left, int right);
void merge(int numbers[], int temp[], int left, int mid, int right);
int main()
int j,i= 0 ;
int a[512];
int a1[512];
char *file = "N.txt";
ifstream txt(file);
if (!txt) {
cout << "Error"<< file << endl;
return 0;
cout << file << endl;
while (txt >> j) {
a[i] = j;
cout << a[i] << endl;
} cout << i << endl;
mergeSort(a, a1, 512);
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
cout << a[i] << endl;
}//end for
cout << " The " << i << " random numbers are sorted" << endl;
system( " pause" );
return 0;
// "Main" function of the sequence
// From here on out everything is called recursively
void mergeSort(int numbers[], int temp[], int array_size)
m_sort(numbers, temp, 0, array_size - 1);
void m_sort(int numbers[], int temp[], int left, int right)
int mid;
if (right > left)
mid = (right + left) / 2;
m_sort(numbers, temp, left, mid);
m_sort(numbers, temp, (mid+1), right);
merge(numbers, temp, left, (mid+1), right);
void merge(int numbers[], int temp[], int left, int mid, int right)
int i, left_end, num_elements, tmp_pos;
left_end = (mid - 1);
tmp_pos = left;
num_elements = (right - left + 1);
while ((left <= left_end) && (mid <= right))
if (numbers[left] <= numbers[mid])
temp[tmp_pos] = numbers[left];
tmp_pos += 1;
left += 1;
temp[tmp_pos] = numbers[mid];
tmp_pos += 1;
mid += 1;
while (left <= left_end)
temp[tmp_pos] = numbers[left];
left += 1;
tmp_pos += 1;
while (mid <= right)
temp[tmp_pos] = numbers[mid];
mid += 1;
tmp_pos += 1;
for (i=0; i < num_elements; i++)
numbers[right] = temp[right];
right -= 1;
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