Code = WelcomePage.class width=300 height=300>

and we're supposed to know this without knowing what you have in that class?

commented: He is just super confident in his java ability, there cannot be anything wrong with his code! +1

Need the Java code to be able to help you mate.

Member Avatar for ztini

For starters...HTML does not like spaces.

<applet code="WelcomePage.class" width="300" height="300"></applet>

sir i am trying to run this code in cmd prmpt but iam not getting any output displyed ,,but no error is also coming pls help me out ,,
my code is;
class Test
public static void main (String args[])

System.out.println(" i like java ");



Please do not hijack old post...

Also, how did you use your command line to run it? How did you compile your code?

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