Hi, I'm quite new with Data Adapter on VB.NET. I'm having a problem with retrieving data on different tables.
Example database:
BookInfoBookID: HSD993Z
Title: Introduction to SQLBookID: LDJA293
Title: Advance Computer ProgrammingBookID: KSKL194
Title: Object Oriented ProgrammingStudentInfo
StudentID: 2938485
FullName: Michael ZipStudentID: 2949284
FullName: Ray Williams
StudentID: 2938485
BookID: KSKL194StudentID: 2938485
BookID: HSD993Z
To get all the list of the Students who borrowed books, the query would be
SELECT StudentInfo.FullName, BookInfo.Title
FROM BookInfo, StudentInfo, BorrowerInfo
WHERE BookInfo.BookID=BorrowerInfo.BookID AND StudentInfo.StudentID=BorrowerInfo.StudentID;
Now the Fill method on DataAdapter has a parameter of DataSet and SourceTable.
I'm confused on SourceTable, should I write all of the tables I used?
Ex: SourceTable = "BookInfo, StudentInfo, BorrowerInfo"
I can't show my reports.
I don't have problems with listing all records from one table.
Ex: "SELECT * FROM StudentInfo" and the TableSource is "StudentInfo"
Can you please help me?
Thanks in advance