Allrite so I'm writing this program - and I've been having some trouble with it - there are three parts to it
1. Write a function
void tolower(char* s)
that replaces all uppercase characters in the C-style string s with lower case letter.
- Two helper functions to use
bool isupper(char c)
which returns true is c is an uppercase letter and false if not.
char tolower(char c)
whicch returns lowercase letters
**** I know there are standard library functions that DO this - the point is not to use ANY of them lol
2.Write a function
char* cat_dot(const char *s1, const char* s2, const char* sep)
that returns C string of s1 followed by sep followed by s2 - the default of sep is "."
SO is should look something like this:
cat_dot("hello", "world") outputs ""
cat_dot("hello", "world", "&*^") outputs "hello&*^world"
3.Write a new version of is_palindrome that makes a backward copy of the string and then compares to the original and says "Not a palindrome"
So yeah...ugh -.-
Pretty much I have all the skeletal parts of the program - whichc meats all hte important parts aren't even in -.-