I want to ask how to combine two text file and read in the rich text box..?

String rd = "";
        private void CLICK2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string file1 = @"C:\Users\Fish\Desktop\fyp-coding\sample1.txt";
            string file2 = @"C:\Users\Fish\Desktop\fyp-coding\sample2.txt";

            FileStream fs1 = null;
            FileStream fs2 = null;

                fs1 = File.Open(file1, FileMode.Append);
                fs2 = File.Open(file2, FileMode.Open);

                byte[] fs2Content = new byte[fs2.Length];
                fs2.Read(fs2Content, 0, (int)fs2.Length);
                fs1.Write(fs2Content, 0, (int)fs2.Length);

                if (File.Exists(file1))
                    StreamReader rfile = null;
                        rfile = new StreamReader(file1);
                        while ((rd = rfile.ReadLine()) != null)


This is my coding..I need to show the new content after combine two files in the rich text box.Hope someone can help me..thanks

i think your code does just that

but when i want to read the file which have the new contents, it gave me error.

WHAT error?
WHERE did it occur?
How do you expect us to give you an answer?
If you post something that is vague, hazy and not even a question but a sentence formulated as a statement?

i think your code does just that

the error always occur. "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." What is this mean ? how to correct it?

*my first file is come from the output of my program. My second file is i create myself.
i will upload my coding at here.

private void CLICK2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    string file1 = @"C:\Users\Fish\Desktop\fyp-coding\sample1.txt";
    string file2 = @"C:\Users\Fish\Desktop\fyp-coding\sample2.txt";

    string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(file2);
    File.AppendAllLines(file1, lines);

    myRichTextBox.Lines = File.ReadAllLines(file1);
private void CLICK2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    string file1 = @"C:\Users\Fish\Desktop\fyp-coding\sample1.txt";
    string file2 = @"C:\Users\Fish\Desktop\fyp-coding\sample2.txt";

    string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(file2);
    File.AppendAllLines(file1, lines);

    myRichTextBox.Lines = File.ReadAllLines(file1);

I try already but this line got error...."File.AppendAllLines(file1, lines);" i dont know how to solve??

What error did you get?

What error did you get?

this is the error.."Error 1 'System.IO.File' does not contain a definition for 'AppendAllLines' C:\Users\Fish\Desktop\FinalYear\WindowsFormsApplication10\Form1.cs 399 18 WindowsFormsApplication10

It's part of the .Net 4.0 library, you need to upgrade :)

This error : "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" means you are not initializing correctly an object. It has "null" value.

Can you tell us at what line do you get this error?

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //2)MERGE ALL TEXT FILES INTO 1
            string mydirpath = ("c:\\Transaction Rejections\\Unprocessed");
            string[] txtFileList = Directory.GetFiles(mydirpath, "*.*");
            StringBuilder strFile = new StringBuilder();
            StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter("c:\\Transaction Rejections\\Dump.txt");

            foreach (string txtName in txtFileList)
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(txtName))

Try that

It's part of the .Net 4.0 library, you need to upgrade :)

Sorry. I have another question. If now, i want to save my second output into the first text file. Let say, my first output is save in the text file called File1.Now, i wan save my second output in the File1 without overwrite the first output inside the file..How to do that...??

Create the StreamWriter with "append" param set to true:

StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter("c:\\text.txt", true);
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