I am rendering a bunch of cg images but now I need to make an applet that will view them. More specifically these images are very much like the first generation of google street view where you have a picture and you can get a camera to crop a section of the image and as you pan left, right, up or down the cropping moves left, right, up or down. However this presents one problem. I can only render as a spherical image and that is the equivelant of setting the texture of a sphere where the camera is inside the sphere. But as I know Java doesn't support 3d properly for applets. This means I need an algorithm to fake the allusion of the sphere object by re-arranging the pixels and removing some pixels. An example of the resulting image can be found at the below link.
So my question is how can I turn an image such as the one above to a Java applet where you can pan around like street view without 3d Java?