I am having a form through which user will enter empcode(checking whether it is present in the table)
When i click On Login i am getting the following error
Invalid column name
cmd.CommandText = "select employee_code from MST_Employee where employee_code = " + emp_code;

In the above select i m writing the where condition in which empcode is getting from textbox

Form1 frm = new Form1();
            emp_code = First_NametextBox.Text;
            SqlConnection connection_string = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["database1"]);
            SqlCommand cmd = connection_string.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = "select employee_code from MST_Employee where employee_code = " + emp_code;
            SqlDataReader row = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (row.Read())
                temp_emp_code = (string)row[0];
            MessageBox.Show("Temp-emp-value : " + temp_emp_code);
            if (emp_code == temp_emp_code)

                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Employee Code Type Again");
            //MessageBox.Show("First :" + emp_code);

I am not getting what is wrong in my code

It has to written like this:

cmd.CommandText = "select employee_code from MST_Employee where employee_code = '" + emp_code + "';


And if you are only expecting one value you should use ExecuteScaler() not ExecuteReader().

yes, Reader is used to get more values (specific ones).

Thanks for giving your valuable time
I am using execute scalar but problem can be of sql injection(in textbox user can type delete)

SqlCommand cmd = connection_string.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = "select employee_code from MST_Employee where [employee_code] = '" + Emp_codetextBox.Text + "'";
            temp_emp_code = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

How can i correct the above code to avoid sql injection
And user give correct id it showing the next form according to code but it is not closing the login form

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