Write a C program in to calculate the parking fare for customers who park
their cars in a parking lot when the following information
is given:
A. A character showing the type of vehicle : C for car, B for bus,
T for truck.
B. An integer between 0 and 24 showing the hour the vehicle entered
the lot.
C. An integer between 0 and 60 showing the minute the vehicle entered
the lot.
D. An integer between 0 and 24 showing the hour the vehicle entered
the lot.
E. An integer between 0 and 60 showing the minute the vehicle left
the lot.

Different rates for each type of vechicle, as shown:
VEHICLE : $0.00/hr first 3 hr $1.50/hr after 3 hr
CAR : $1.00/hr first 2 hr $2.30/hr after 2 hr
BUS : $2.00/hr first hr $3.70/hr after 1 hr

No vehicle is allowed to stay in the parking lot later than midnight;
it will be towed away.

Then print the parking lot charge.



// Project3.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void getData(int* ehour, int* emin, int* exhour, int* exmin);
void rate(int exhour, int exmin, int ehour, int emin, int* thour, int* tmin, int* round);
void charge(char* vehic, float* rate1, float* rate2, int ehour);
void result(int exhour, int exmin, int ehour, int emin, int thour, float rate1, float rate2, int round, float total);

int main(void)
	char vehic;
	int ehour;
	int emin;
	int exhour;
	int exmin;
	int thour;
	int tmin;
	int round;

	float rate1;
	float rate2;
	float total;

	getData(&ehour, &emin, &exhour, &exmin);
	rate(exhour, exmin, ehour, emin, &thour, &tmin, &round);
	charge(&vehic, &rate1, &rate2, ehour);
	total= rate1 + rate2;
	result( exhour, exmin, ehour, emin, thour, rate1, rate2, round, total);

	return 0;

void getData(int* ehour, int* emin, int* exhour, int* exmin)
		char v;

		printf("Enter C for car, B for bus, T for truck: ");
		scanf("%c", &v);
		printf("\nHour vehicle entered 0-24: ");
		scanf("%d", &ehour);
		printf("\nMinute vehicle entered 0-60: ");
		scanf("%d", &emin);
		printf("\nHour vehicle exited 0-24: ");
		scanf("%d", &exhour);
		printf("\nMinute vehicle exited 0-60: ");
		scanf("%d", &exmin);
	void rate(int exhour, int exmin, int ehour, int emin, int* thour, int* tmin, int* round)
		if(emin < exmin)
			emin= emin + 60;
			exhour= exhour - 1;
		*thour = ehour - exhour;
		*tmin = emin - exmin;
		if ((*tmin > 0 && *tmin <= 60))
			*thour = *thour + 1;
			*round = *tmin * 0;
void charge(char* vehic, float* rate1, float* rate2, int ehour)
	switch (*vehic)
	case 'c': if (ehour <= 3)
				  *rate1 = 0.00;
			  if (ehour > 3)
				  *rate2 = 1.50 * (ehour - 3);

	case 't': if (ehour <= 2)
				  *rate1 = 1.00 * ehour;
			  if (ehour > 2)
				  *rate2 = 2.30 * (ehour - 2);
	case 'b': if (ehour <= 1)
				  *rate1 = 2.00 * ehour;
			  if (ehour > 1)
				  *rate2 = 3.70 * (ehour - 1);
void result(int exhour, int exmin, int ehour, int emin, int thour, float rate1, float rate2, int round, float total)
	printf("\n\t\t PARKING LOT CHARGE \t\t\n");
	printf("\nType of vehicle: Car or Bus or Truck");
	printf("\nTIME-IN\t\t %d:%d", ehour, emin);
	printf("\nTIME-OUT\t\t %d:%d", exhour, exmin);
	printf("\n\t\t\t --------");
	printf("\nPARKING TIME\t\t %d:%d", thour, round);
	printf("\n\t\t\t --------");
	total= rate1 + rate2;
	printf("\nTOTAL CHARGE\t\t %4.2f\n\n", total);

WaltP commented: Don't start new threads asking the same question. -3

So, what is your problem. You want us to analyze your code, but you give no indication where you are having a problem. You have $200USD/hour for my consulting time? Probably not. So, what is your problem?

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