This program is supposed to simply take user input and output it in the right format. It keeps giving me an error message. I cant figure out what is wrong and would appreciate some help.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
string date[9], dollars[3], cents[3], first_name[20], last_name[20], payee[50];
cout << "Please input the following data in order the you are prompted, pressing enter after each input: " <<endl;
cout << "Date (m/dd/yyyy): ";
cin >> date[9];
cout << "First name: ";
cin >> first_name[20];
cout << "Last name: ";
cin >> last_name[20];
cout << "Using numbers, please enter the two digist amount of the check in whole dollars: ";
cin >> dollars[2];
cout << "Using number only, please enter the two digit value of the remaining change that you are owed: ";
cin >> cents[2];
cout << "Who is the payee in this transaction? <<endl";
cin >> payee[50];
cout << first_name[20] << " " << last_name[20] << setw(10) <<endl;
cout << "pay to: " << payee[50] << setw(10) << dollars[2] << "." << cents[2];